Development of Water Purification System by Magnetic Separation Technique and Its Application to the Education for Environment on the Course of Learn-by-Doing Program

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Oka, Tetsuo
Kanayama, Hayato
Hirose, Yutaka
Kikuchi, Hokuto
Kobayashi, Ryo
Tanaka, Katsuyoshi
Ooizumi, Manabu
Yamaguchi, Mitsugi
Haneda, Takuji
Fukui, Satoshi
Ogawa, Jun
Sato, Takao
Nishimura, Shin-ya
Imaizumi, Hiroshi
Harada, Shuji
Tanabe, Yuji
Sengoku, Masakazu
Ohkawa, Hideo
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Supplementary to
A superconducting permanent magnet system capable of generating strong magnetic fields has been constructed by using bulk high temperatures superconductors HTS. The magnetic field in the open space between the face-to-face settled magnetic poles has exceeded 3 T when they were activated at 30 K. We have investigated the magnetic separation technique with respect to Fe ions in the waste water drained from the university laboratories. The performances of bulk magnet system closely came to those of 5 T superconducting solenoid with a ratio over 90 % under the flowing rate of 3 liter/min in spite of the narrower space of strong field. The result attributes to the fact that the bulk magnet system has the steepest gradient among them. This suggests that the magnetic separation by using bulk magnets is effective for the practical water purification systems. The students of Niigata University take various parts in the actual R&D processes that were incorporated as a course of their educational curricula. It is important for the university students to learn the environmental issues by resolving the practical problems surrounding them. In the study, the water purification system has been adapted to the education course to carry out as a project-based learning. We expect that students would acquire strong motivation to learn sciences through the course.
Distance Learning and Professional Education ; International Association for Continuing Engineering Education
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