Homeownership and Racial Wealth Disparity in the Southeast: Factor Ratio Reweighting Analysis of Homeownership in Six Southeast States and the Importance of Race-Conscious Housing Policies

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Hirt, Mary
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Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
Recent studies have revealed that the racial wealth gap between Black and white households is ever growing, and will take significant changes to decrease. Wealth is an important measure in terms of economic mobility by providing new opportunity to future generations. Black households have historically been denied access to many of the key wealth building opportunities such as college education, homeownership, and investment. Perhaps the most notorious form of wealth creation is by homeownership, an institution that has continuously locked out many households of color, leading to a large disparity in homeownership rates between Black and white households. This analysis will look specifically at the use of homeownership as a wealth building tool, and how equalizing homeownership rates through factor ratio reweighting analysis would affect the racial wealth gap in six Southeast states. After determining the resulting decrease in the racial wealth gap, this paper seeks to explore possibilities in policy, practice, and future research to determine the best methods to decrease wealth disparity and the need for race-conscious policies.
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Masters Project
Applied Research Paper
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