Investigating the Efficiency of Authoring Interactions for Augmented Reality Experiences for Designers

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Jain, Karan Muktesh
Choi, Young Mi
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Supplementary to
Recent advances in augmented reality (AR) have provided an opportunity for this technology to be used in the industrial design and development process, especially, for product visualization and representing product concepts in AR for usability testing. However, the adoption of this technology in the industrial design process is slow-moving due to the complex development process of AR experiences. Currently, AR authoring tools require the user to program interactions for their applications, which makes it challenging for designers who may not be skilled in programming to rapidly develop interactions. Further, there is not much literature on the design and user experience (UX) of graphical user interface (GUI) based tools for authoring AR interactions for designers or non-programmers. This thesis investigated how authoring interactions for AR experiences can be made more efficient for designers. After reviewing current AR tools and projects, two UX architectures for authoring AR interactions with a GUI were put together. These architectures were called Component-Based UX Architecture and Event-Based UX Architecture. An interactive prototype was developed for each of the architecture and users were asked to author interactions for an AR representation of a table lamp and a toy car. A remote usability study was conducted to evaluate the two prototypes with 22 participants and it was found that the event-based UX architecture is significantly more efficient and user friendly than the component-based UX architecture in authoring interactions for AR experiences. The implication of the results in the design of AR authoring tools for designers has been further discussed in this paper.
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