Organizational Unit:
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 56
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    First Steps Toward Translating Robotic Walking To Prostheses: A Nonlinear Optimization Based Control Approach
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016) Zhao, Huihua ; Horn, Jonathan ; Reher, Jacob ; Paredes, Victor ; Ames, Aaron D.
    This paper presents the first steps toward successfully translating nonlinear real-time optimization based controllers from bipedal walking robots to a self-contained powered transfemoral prosthesis: AMPRO, with the goal of improving both the tracking performance and the energy efficiency of prostheses control. To achieve this goal, a novel optimal control strategy combining control Lyapunov function (CLF) based quadratic programs (QP) with impedance control is proposed. This optimal controller is first verified on a human-like bipedal robot platform, AMBER. The results indicate improved (compared to variable impedance control) tracking performance, stability and robustness to unknown disturbances. To translate this complete methodology to a prosthetic device with an amputee, we begin by collecting reference human locomotion data via Inertial measurement Units (IMUs). This data forms the basis for an optimization problem that generates virtual constraints, i.e., parameterized trajectories, specifically for the amputee and the prosthesis. A online optimization based controller is utilized to optimally track the resulting desired trajectories. The parameterization of the trajectories is determined through a combination of on-board sensing on the prosthesis together with IMU data, thereby coupling the actions of the user with the controller. Importantly, the proposed control law displays remarkable tracking and improved energy efficiency, outperforming PD and impedance control strategies. This is demonstrated experimentally on the prosthesis AMPRO through the implementation of the holistic sensing, algorithm and control framework, with the end result being stable prosthetic walking by an amputee.
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    Incremental Sparse GP Regression for Continuous-time Trajectory Estimation & Mapping
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-09) Yan, Xinyan ; Indelman, Vadim ; Boots, Byron
    Recent work on simultaneous trajectory estimation and mapping (STEAM) for mobile robots has found success by representing the trajectory as a Gaussian process. Gaussian processes can represent a continuous-time trajectory, elegantly handle asynchronous and sparse measurements, and allow the robot to query the trajectory to recover its estimated position at any time of interest. A major drawback of this approach is that STEAM is formulated as a batch estimation problem. In this paper we provide the critical extensions necessary to transform the existing batch algorithm into an extremely efficient incremental algorithm. In particular, we are able to vastly speed up the solution time through efficient variable reordering and incremental sparse updates, which we believe will greatly increase the practicality of Gaussian process methods for robot mapping and localization. Finally, we demonstrate the approach and its advantages on both synthetic and real datasets.
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    Robotic Nudges: The Ethics of Engineering a More Socially Just Human Being
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-03) Borenstein, Jason ; Arkin, Ronald C.
    The time is nearing when robots are going to become a pervasive feature of our personal lives. They are already continuously operating in industrial, domestic, and military sectors. But a facet of their operation that has not quite reached its full potential is their involvement in our day-to-day routines as servants, caregivers, companions, and perhaps friends. It is clear that the multiple forms of robots already in existence and in the process of being designed will have a profound impact on human life. In fact, the motivation for their creation is largely shaped by their ability to do so. Encouraging patients to take medications, enabling children to socialize, and protecting the elderly from hazards within a living space is only a small sampling of how they could interact with humans. Their seemingly boundless potential stems in part from the possibility of their omnipresence but also because they can be physically instantiated, i.e., they are embodied in the real world, unlike many other devices. The extent of a robot’s influence on our lives hinges in large part on which design pathway the robot’s creator decides to pursue . The principal focus of this article is to generate discussion about the ethical acceptability of allowing designers to construct companion robots that nudge a user in a particular behavioral direction (and if so, under which circumstances). More specifically, we will delineate key issues related to the ethics of designing robots whose deliberate purpose is to nudge human users towards displaying greater concern for their fellow human beings, including by becoming more socially just. Important facets of this discussion include whether a robot’s “nudging ” behavior should occur with or without the user’s awareness and how much control the user should exert over it.
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    Parameter Sensitivity and Boundedness of Robotic Hybrid Periodic Orbits
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Kolathaya, Shishir ; Ames, Aaron D.
    Model-based nonlinear controllers like feedback linearization and control Lyapunov functions are highly sensitive to the model parameters of the robot. This paper addresses the problem of realizing these controllers in a particular class of hybrid models-systems with impulse effects-through a parameter sensitivity measure. This measure quantifies the sensitivity of a given model-based controller to parameter uncertainty along a particular trajectory. By using this measure, output boundedness of the controller (computed torque+PD) will be analyzed. Given outputs that characterize the control objectives, i.e., the goal is to drive these outputs to zero, we consider Lyapunov functions obtained from these outputs. The main result of this paper establishes the ultimate boundedness of the output dynamics in terms of this measure via these Lyapunov functions under the assumption of stable hybrid zero dynamics. This is demonstrated in simulation on a 5-DOF underactuated bipedal robot.
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    Multi-Contact Bipedal Robotic Locomotion
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Zhao, Huihua ; Herei, Ayonga ; Ma, Wen-loong ; Ames, Aaron D.
    This paper presents a formal framework for achieving multi-contact bipedal robotic walking, and realizes this methodology experimentally on two robotic platforms: AMBER2 and ATRIAS. Inspired by the key feature encoded in human walking— multi-contact behavior—this approach begins with the analysis of human locomotion and uses it to motivate the construction of a hybrid system model representing a multi-contact robotic walking gait. Human-inspired outputs are extracted from reference locomotion data to characterize the human model or the SLIP model, and then employed to develop the human-inspired control and an optimization problem that yields stable multi-domain walking. Through a trajectory reconstruction strategy motivated by the process that generates the walking gait, the mathematical constructions are successfully translated to the two physical robots experimentally.
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    Robustness of Control Barrier Functions for Safety Critical Control
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Xu, Xiangru ; Tabuada, Paulo ; Grizzle, Jessy W. ; Ames, Aaron D.
    Barrier functions (also called certificates) have been an important tool for the verification of hybrid systems, and have also played important roles in optimization and multi-objective control. The extension of a barrier function to a controlled system results in a control barrier function. This can be thought of as being analogous to how Sontag extended Lyapunov functions to control Lypaunov functions in order to enable controller synthesis for stabilization tasks. A control barrier function enables controller synthesis for safety requirements specified by forward invariance of a set using a Lyapunov-like condition. This paper develops several important extensions to the notion of a control barrier function. The first involves robustness under perturbations to the vector field defining the system. Input-to-State stability conditions are given that provide for forward invariance, when disturbances are present, of a "relaxation" of set rendered invariant without disturbances. A control barrier function can be combined with a control Lyapunov function in a quadratic program to achieve a control objective subject to safety guarantees. The second result of the paper gives conditions for the control law obtained by solving the quadratic program to be Lipschitz continuous and therefore to gives rise to well-defined solutions of the resulting closed-loop system.
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    SLAM-Based Spatial Memory for Behavior-Based Robots
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Jiang, Shu ; Arkin, Ronald C.
    Knowledge is essential for an autonomous robot to act intelligently when tasked with a mission. With recent leaps of progress, the paradigm of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) has emerged as an ideal source of spatial knowledge for autonomous robots. However, despite advancements in both paradigms of SLAM and robot control, research in the integration of these areas has been lacking and remained open to investigation. This paper presents an integration of SLAM into a behavior-based robotic system as a dynamically acquired spatial memory, which can be used to enable new behaviors and augment existing ones. The effectiveness of the integrated system is demonstrated with a biohazard search mission, where a robot is tasked to search and locate a biohazard within an unknown environment under a time constraint.
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    Planning in the Continuous Domain: a Generalized Belief Space Approach for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Environments
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Indelman, Vadim ; Carlone, Luca ; Dellaert, Frank
    We investigate the problem of planning under uncertainty, with application to mobile robotics. We propose a probabilistic framework in which the robot bases its decisions on the generalized belief, which is a probabilistic description of its own state and of external variables of interest. The approach naturally leads to a dual-layer architecture: an inner estimation layer, which performs inference to predict the outcome of possible decisions, and an outer decisional layer which is in charge of deciding the best action to undertake. Decision making is entrusted to a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme. The formulation is valid for general cost functions and does not discretize the state or control space, enabling planning in continuous domain. Moreover, it allows to relax the assumption of maximum likelihood observations: predicted measurements are treated as random variables, and binary random variables are used to model the event that a measurement is actually taken by the robot. We successfully apply our approach to the problem of uncertainty-constrained exploration, in which the robot has to perform tasks in an unknown environment, while maintaining localization uncertainty within given bounds. We present an extensive numerical analysis of the proposed approach and compare it against related work. In practice, our planning approach produces smooth and natural trajectories and is able to impose soft upper bounds on the uncertainty. Finally, we exploit the results of this analysis to identify current limitations and show that the proposed framework can accommodate several desirable extensions.
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    Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment for Structure From Motion and Robotics
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015) Indelman, Vadim ; Roberts, Richard ; Dellaert, Frank
    Bundle adjustment (BA) is essential in many robotics and structure-from-motion applications. In robotics, often a bundle adjustment solution is desired to be available incrementally as new poses and 3D points are observed. Similarly in batch structure from motion, cameras are typically added incrementally to allow good initializations. Current incremental BA methods quickly become computationally expensive as more camera poses and 3D points are added into the optimization. In this paper we introduce incremental light bundle adjustment (iLBA), an efficient optimization framework that substantially reduces computational complexity compared to incremental bundle adjustment. First, the number of variables in the optimization is reduced by algebraic elimination of observed 3D points, leading to a structureless BA. The resulting cost function is formulated in terms of three-view constraints instead of re-projection errors and only the camera poses are optimized. Second, the optimization problem is represented using graphical models and incremental inference is applied, updating the solution using adaptive partial calculations each time a new camera is incorporated into the optimization. Typically, only a small fraction of the camera poses are recalculated in each optimization step. The 3D points, although not explicitly optimized, can be reconstructed based on the optimized camera poses at any time. We study probabilistic and computational aspects of iLBA and compare its accuracy against incremental BA and another recent structureless method using real-imagery and synthetic datasets. Results indicate iLBA is 2-10 times faster than incremental BA, depending on number of image observations per frame.
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    Assessment of Engagement for Intelligent Educational Agents: A Pilot Study with Middle School Students
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014) Brown, LaVonda ; Howard, Ayanna M.
    Adaptive learning is an educational method that utilizes computers as an interactive teaching device. Intelligent tutoring systems, or educational agents, use adaptive learning techniques to adapt to each student’s needs and learning styles in order to individualize learning. Effective educational agents should accomplish two essential goals during the learning process – 1) monitor engagement of the student during the interaction and 2) apply behavioral strategies to maintain the student’s attention when engagement decreases. In this paper, we focus on the first objective of monitoring student engagement. Most educational agents do not monitor engagement explicitly, but rather assume engagement and adapt their interaction based on the student’s responses to questions and tasks. A few advanced methods have begun to incorporate models of engagement through vision-based algorithms that assess behavioral cues such as eye gaze, head pose, gestures, and facial expressions. Unfortunately, these methods typically require a heavy computation load, memory/storage constraints, and high power consumption. In addition, these behavioral cues do not correlate well with achievement of highlevel cognitive tasks. As an alternative, our proposed model of engagement uses physical events, such as keyboard and mouse events. This approach requires fewer resources and lower power consumption, which is also ideally suited for mobile educational agents such as handheld tablets and robotic platforms. In this paper, we discuss our engagement model which uses techniques that determine behavioral user state and correlate these findings to mouse and keyboard events. In particular, we observe three event processes: total time required to answer a question; accuracy of responses; and proper function executions. We evaluate the correctness of our model based on an investigation involving a middle-school after-school program in which a 15-question math exam that varies in cognitive difficulty is used for assessment. Eye gaze and head pose techniques are referenced for the baseline metric of engagement. We conclude the investigation with a survey to gather the subject’s perspective of their mental state after the exam. We found that our model of engagement is comparable to the eye gaze and head pose techniques for low-level cognitive tasks. When high-level cognitive thinking is required, our model is more accurate than the eye gaze and head pose techniques due to the students’ nonfocused gazes during questions requiring deep thought or use of outside variables for assistance such as their fingers to count. The large time delay associated with the lack of eye contact between the student and the computer screen causes the aforementioned algorithms to incorrectly declare the subjects as being disengaged. Furthermore, speed and validity of responses can help to determine how well the student understands the material, and this is confirmed through the survey responses and video observations. This information will be used later to integrate instructional scaffolding and adaptation with the educational agent.