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Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)

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Publication Search Results

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    Planning in constraint space for multi-body manipulation tasks
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016-04-05) Erdogan, Can
    Robots are inherently limited by physical constraints on their link lengths, motor torques, battery power and structural rigidity. To thrive in circumstances that push these limits, such as in search and rescue scenarios, intelligent agents can use the available objects in their environment as tools. Reasoning about arbitrary objects and how they can be placed together to create useful structures such as ramps, bridges or simple machines is critical to push beyond one's physical limitations. Unfortunately, the solution space is combinatorial in the number of available objects and the configuration space of the chosen objects and the robot that uses the structure is high dimensional. To address these challenges, we propose using constraint satisfaction as a means to test the feasibility of candidate structures and adopt search algorithms in the classical planning literature to find sufficient designs. The key idea is that the interactions between the components of a structure can be encoded as equality and inequality constraints on the configuration spaces of the respective objects. Furthermore, constraints that are induced by a broadly defined action, such as placing an object on another, can be grouped together using logical representations such as Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). Then, a classical planning search algorithm can reason about which set of constraints to impose on the available objects, iteratively creating a structure that satisfies the task goals and the robot constraints. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework, we present both simulation and real robot results with static structures such as ramps, bridges and stairs, and quasi-static structures such as lever-fulcrum simple machines.
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    The roles of allocentric representations in autonomous local navigation
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-02-20) Ta Huynh, Duy Nguyen
    In this thesis, I study the computational advantages of the allocentric represen- tation as compared to the egocentric representation for autonomous local navigation. Whereas in the allocentric framework, all variables of interest are represented with respect to a coordinate frame attached to an object in the scene, in the egocentric one, they are always represented with respect to the robot frame at each time step. In contrast with well-known results in the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping literature, I show that the amounts of nonlinearity of these two representations, where poses are elements of Lie-group manifolds, do not affect the accuracy of Gaussian- based filtering methods for perception at both the feature level and the object level. Furthermore, although these two representations are equivalent at the object level, the allocentric filtering framework is better than the egocentric one at the feature level due to its advantages in the marginalization process. Moreover, I show that the object- centric perspective, inspired by the allocentric representation, enables novel linear- time filtering algorithms, which significantly outperform state-of-the-art feature-based filtering methods with a small trade-off in accuracy due to a low-rank approximation. Finally, I show that the allocentric representation is also better than the egocentric representation in Model Predictive Control for local trajectory planning and obstacle avoidance tasks.
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    Optical flow templates for mobile robot environment understanding
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014-10-01) Roberts, Richard Joseph William
    In this work we develop optical flow templates. In doing so, we introduce a practical tool for inferring robot egomotion and semantic superpixel labeling using optical flow in imaging systems with arbitrary optics. In order to do this we develop valuable understanding of geometric relationships and mathematical methods that are useful in interpreting optical flow to the robotics and computer vision communities. This work is motivated by what we perceive as directions for advancing the current state of the art in obstacle detection and scene understanding for mobile robots. Specifically, many existing methods build 3D point clouds, which are not directly useful for autonomous navigation and require further processing. Both the step of building the point clouds and the later processing steps are challenging and computationally intensive. Additionally, many current methods require a calibrated camera, which introduces calibration challenges and places limitations on the types of camera optics that may be used. Wide-angle lenses, systems with mirrors, and multiple cameras all require different calibration models and can be difficult or impossible to calibrate at all. Finally, current pixel and superpixel obstacle labeling algorithms typically rely on image appearance. While image appearance is informative, image motion is a direct effect of the scene structure that determines whether a region of the environment is an obstacle. The egomotion estimation and obstacle labeling methods we develop here based on optical flow templates require very little computation per frame and do not require building point clouds. Additionally, they do not require any specific type of camera optics, nor a calibrated camera. Finally, they label obstacles using optical flow alone without image appearance. In this thesis we start with optical flow subspaces for egomotion estimation and detection of “motion anomalies”. We then extend this to multiple subspaces and develop mathematical reasoning to select between them, comprising optical flow templates. Using these we classify environment shapes and label superpixels. Finally, we show how performing all learning and inference directly from image spatio-temporal gradients greatly improves computation time and accuracy.
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    Support-theoretic subgraph preconditioners for large-scale SLAM and structure from motion
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014-06-19) Jian, Yong-Dian
    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and Structure from Motion (SfM) are important problems in robotics and computer vision. One of the challenges is to solve a large-scale optimization problem associated with all of the robot poses, camera parameters, landmarks and measurements. Yet neither of the two reigning paradigms, direct and iterative methods, scales well to very large and complex problems. Recently, the subgraph-preconditioned conjugate gradient method has been proposed to combine the advantages of direct and iterative methods. However, how to find a good subgraph is still an open problem. The goal of this dissertation is to address the following two questions: (1) What are good subgraph preconditioners for SLAM and SfM? (2) How to find them? To this end, I introduce support theory and support graph theory to evaluate and design subgraph preconditioners for SLAM and SfM. More specifically, I make the following contributions: First, I develop graphical and probabilistic interpretations of support theory and used them to visualize the quality of subgraph preconditioners. Second, I derive a novel support-theoretic metric for the quality of spanning tree preconditioners and design an MCMC-based algorithm to find high-quality subgraph preconditioners. I further improve the efficiency of finding good subgraph preconditioners by using heuristics and domain knowledge available in the problems. Our results show that the support-theoretic subgraph preconditioners significantly improve the efficiency of solving large SLAM problems. Third, I propose a novel Hessian factor graph representation, and use it to develop a new class of preconditioners, generalized subgraph preconditioners, that combine the advantages of subgraph preconditioners and Hessian-based preconditioners. I apply them to solve large SfM problems and obtain promising results. Fourth, I develop the incremental subgraph-preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large-scale online SLAM problems. The main idea is to combine the advantages of two state-of-the-art methods, incremental smoothing and mapping, and the subgraph-preconditioned conjugate gradient method. I also show that the new method is efficient, optimal and consistent. To sum up, preconditioning can significantly improve the efficiency of solving large-scale SLAM and SfM problems. While existing preconditioning techniques do not utilize the problem structure and have no performance guarantee, I take the first step toward a more general setting and have promising results.
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    Tectonic smoothing and mapping
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011-05-16) Ni, Kai
    Large-scale mapping has become the key to numerous applications, e.g. simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for autonomous robots. Despite of the success of many SLAM projects, there are still some challenging scenarios in which most of the current algorithms are not able to deliver an exact solution fast enough. One of these challenges is the size of SLAM problems, which has increased by several magnitudes over the last decade. Another challenge for SLAM problems is the large amount of noise baked in the measurements, which often yields poor initializations and slows or even fails the optimization. Urban 3D reconstruction is another popular application for large-scale mapping and has received considerable attention recently from the computer vision community. High-quality 3D models are useful in various successful cartographic and architectural applications, such as Google Earth or Microsoft Live Local. At the heart of urban reconstruction problems is structure from motion (SfM). Due to the wide availability of cameras, especially on handhold devices, SfM is becoming a more and more crucial technique to handle a large amount of images. In the thesis, I present a novel batch algorithm, namely Tectonic Smoothing and Mapping (TSAM). I will show that the original SLAM graph can be recursively partitioned into multiple-level submaps using the nested dissection algorithm, which leads to the cluster tree, a powerful graph representation. By employing the nested dissection algorithm, the algorithm greatly minimizes the dependencies between two subtrees, and the optimization of the original graph can be done using a bottom-up inference along the corresponding cluster tree. To speed up the computation, a base node is introduced for each submap and is used to represent the rigid transformation of the submap in the global coordinate frame. As a result, the optimization moves the base nodes rather than the actual submap variables. I will also show that TSAM can be successfully applied to the SfM problem as well, in which a hypergraph representation is employed to capture the pairwise constraints between cameras. The hierarchical partitioning based on the hypergraph not only yields a cluster tree as in the SLAM problem but also forces resulting submaps to be nonsingular. I will demonstrate the TSAM algorithm using various simulation and real-world data sets.
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    Incremental smoothing and mapping
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008-11-17) Kaess, Michael
    Incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM) is presented, a novel approach to the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. SLAM is the problem of estimating an observer's position from local measurements only, while creating a consistent map of the environment. The problem is difficult because even very small errors in the local measurements accumulate over time and lead to large global errors. iSAM provides an exact and efficient solution to the SLAM estimation problem while also addressing data association. For the estimation problem, iSAM provides an exact solution by performing smoothing, which keeps all previous poses as part of the estimation problem, and therefore avoids linearization errors. iSAM uses methods from sparse linear algebra to provide an efficient incremental solution. In particular, iSAM deploys a direct equation solver based on QR matrix factorization of the naturally sparse smoothing information matrix. Instead of refactoring the matrix whenever new measurements arrive, only the entries of the factor matrix that actually change are calculated. iSAM is efficient even for robot trajectories with many loops as it performs periodic variable reordering to avoid unnecessary fill-in in the factor matrix. For the data association problem, I present state of the art data association techniques in the context of iSAM and present an efficient algorithm to obtain the necessary estimation uncertainties in real-time based on the factored information matrix. I systematically evaluate the components of iSAM as well as the overall algorithm using various simulated and real-world data sets.