Feedback-Seeking Behavior in Synchronous Remote Learning of Juggling: Effects of Individual Motivational Traits and Self-Efficacy

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Qi, Ziyu
Ackerman, Phillip L.
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
Existing literature examining remote learning has not sufficiently addressed the remote acquisition of procedural skills. Furthermore, the differences in teacher-learner interaction between remote and in-person environments have not been considered in a procedural skill learning context. In the current study, I examined the differences in feedback-seeking behavior between remote and in-person learning environments. I also examined whether predictors of feedback-seeking behavior, namely goal orientation and self-efficacy, continue to predict feedback-seeking in a remote setting. In the current study, undergraduate student participants’ goal orientation, self-efficacy in 3-ball cascade juggling, and self-concept in motor abilities were measured. Participants’ feedback-seeking behaviors were subsequently measured while learning a 3-ball cascade juggling task in either remote or in-person conditions. The study’s results showed that feedback-seeking behavior did not differ significantly between remote and in-person environments except for feedback-seeking via self-monitoring. No significant relationship was found between goal orientation, self-efficacy, and verbal feedback-seeking frequency, potentially due to insufficient power. Exploratory qualitative comparisons examining active feedback-seekers suggested that there were potential qualitative differences in the contents of feedback-seeking. Findings in existing literature considering remote classroom learning were largely not replicated, suggesting that patterns of feedback-seeking behaviors in complex classroom environments may not be applicable to lab learning. Similarly, the motivational model of feedback-seeking may not be suitable. Still, exploratory analyses provided preliminary evidence that a remote learning environment did impact feedback-seeking and general learning behaviors in procedural acquisition processes.
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