Modeling and Simulation of Industrial Membrane Processes Using Complex Mixtures for Integration in Process Simulation Environments

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Weber, Dylan Jacob
Scott, Joseph K.
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The goal of this work is to enable design, optimization, and control of membrane-based separation processes that encounter complex industrial streams of up to thousands of components. These mixture components can have boundless concentrations and interactions between them. Presently, tools for such processes are non-existent. For chemical engineers, after synthesizing the chemical of interest, half of the job is separating it. Traditional separations rely on energy intensive heat and specialty chemicals which generate pollutants and contribute to climate change. Membrane-based separations alleviate these effects by using electrical energy which can be based on renewable resources. This thesis achieves this goal by asserting the following objectives: (i) develop improved numerical methods for local membrane transport of complex mixtures, (ii) extend models for predicting complex mixture sorption and diffusion, (iii) develop a software package for membrane process simulation to use within process flowsheet simulation environments, and (iv) present preliminary process design and control strategies for transport of complex mixtures through ion-exchange membrane modules (to shift towards electrochemical membrane-based separations for nutrient recovery from ubiquitous waste streams). The numerical methods, models, and software package presented has been, and will continue to be utilized by researchers and engineers to design, optimize, and control membrane-based processes as a green alternative for separations in the oil, bio-refinery, paper making, and water treatment industries.
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