Modeling of Tensile and Compressive Damage in Layered Sedimentary Rock: A Direction Dependent Non-Local Model
Modeling of Tensile and Compressive Damage in Layered Sedimentary Rock: A Direction Dependent Non-Local Model
Wencheng, Jin
Arson, Chloé
Arson, Chloé
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This paper presents the theoretical formulation and numerical implementation of an anisotropic damage model for
materials with intrinsic transverse isotropy, e.g. sedimentary rocks with a bedding plane. The direction dependent mechanical
response is captured by utilizing four types of equivalent strains, for tension and compression, parallel and perpendicular to the
bedding plane. The model is calibrated against triaxial compression test data, for different confinement and loading orientations.
The variations of uniaxial tensile and compressive strengths with the orientation of the loading relative to the bedding follow the
trends and magnitudes noted in experiments. Anisotropic non-local equivalent strains were used in the formulation to avoid
localization and mesh dependence encountered with strain softening. Two different internal length parameters are used to
distinguish the non-local effects along and perpendicular to the bedding. An arc length control algorithm is used to avoid
convergence issues. Results of three-point bending tests confirm that the nonlocal approach indeed eliminates mesh dependency.
Results show that the orientation and size of the damage process zone are direction dependent, and that materials with intrinsic
transverse isotropy exhibit mixed fracture propagation modes except when the bedding aligns with the loading direction. Further
research towards a multiscale hydro-mechanical fracture propagation scheme is undergoing.
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