Ivan Allen Founder’s Day Awards Presentation

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Brecke, Peter
Cozzens, Susan E.
Clough, G. Wayne
Turner, Ted
Rosser, Sue V.
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The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts held its eighth annual Founder’s Day in celebration and in memory of former Atlanta mayor Ivan Allen Jr., for whom the College is named. The event took place at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center on March 31, 2008 recognizing recipients of the Ivan Allen Jr. Legacy Awards: the Award for Progress and Service, and the Essay Award. IAC Assistant Dean Peter Brecke introduced the college’s programs and goals. Brecke was followed by IAC Assistant Dean Susan Cozzens, who described the nature of the Ivan Allen Jr. Legacy Awards. These awards are presented to those who the IAC feels best represents the "spirit of civic leadership" that Mayor Ivan Allen possessed. Recipients of the Legacy Awards for Student, Faculty, Alumni and Essay Contest, respectively, were Amanda Meng, current president of the IAC Student Activities Board, HTS Professor Greg Nobles and Jackson Jarrell Pair, who graduated from Tech in 1997 with degrees in Human-Computer Interaction, International Affairs and Computer Engineering. The Essay Contest winner was Kaitlyn Whiteside, an incoming HTS student. Dean Rosser congratulated President Clough on his new position as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, and thanked him for his support of the IAC. Clough was presented with an Honorary Ivan Allen Jr. Award for Progress and Service. The winner of the Award for Progress and Service was Ted Turner, a major leader in business, mass media, sports and philanthropy.
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60:16 minutes
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