Development of an Autonomous Aerial Reconnaissance System at Georgia Tech

dc.contributor.author Proctor, Alison A.
dc.contributor.author Kannan, Suresh K.
dc.contributor.author Raabe, Chris
dc.contributor.author Christophersen, Henrik B.
dc.contributor.author Johnson, Eric N.
dc.contributor.corporatename Georgia Institute of Technology. School of Aerospace Engineering
dc.date.accessioned 2010-11-10T19:55:19Z
dc.date.available 2010-11-10T19:55:19Z
dc.date.issued 2003-07
dc.description Presented at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Unmanned Systems Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, July, 2003. en_US
dc.description.abstract The Georgia Tech aerial robotics team has developed a system to compete in the International Aerial Robotics Competition, organized by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems, International. The team is a multi-disciplinary group of students who have developed a multi-year strategy to complete all levels and the overall mission. The approach taken to achieve the objectives of the required missions has evolved to incorporate new ideas and lessons learned. This document summarizes the approach taken, the current status of the project, and the design of the components and subsystems. en_US
dc.identifier.citation Development of an Autonomous Aerial Reconnaissance System at Georgia Tech. Alison Proctor, Suresh K. Kannan, Chris Raabe, Henrik Christophersen, Eric N. Johnson. 2003 Aerial Robotics Entry Paper. Included in the Proceedings of the Symposium. Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Unmanned Systems Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, July, 2003. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/1853/35897
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Georgia Institute of Technology en_US
dc.subject Autonomous en_US
dc.subject Reconnaissance en_US
dc.subject Helicopters en_US
dc.title Development of an Autonomous Aerial Reconnaissance System at Georgia Tech en_US
dc.type Text
dc.type.genre Proceedings
dspace.entity.type Publication
local.contributor.author Johnson, Eric N.
local.contributor.corporatename Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering
local.contributor.corporatename Aerospace Design Group
local.contributor.corporatename College of Engineering
local.contributor.corporatename Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Research Facility
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