Boosted Bayesian Network Classifiers

dc.contributor.author Jing, Yushi
dc.contributor.author Pavlovic, Vladimir
dc.contributor.author Rehg, James M.
dc.date.accessioned 2006-03-16T14:29:26Z
dc.date.available 2006-03-16T14:29:26Z
dc.date.issued 2005
dc.description.abstract The use of Bayesian networks for classification problems has received significant recent attention. Although computationally efficient, the standard maximum likelihood learning method tends to be suboptimal due to the mismatch between its optimization criteria (data likelihood) and the actual goal of classification (label prediction accuracy). Recent approaches to optimizing classification performance during parameter or structure learning show promise, but lack the favorable computational properties of maximum likelihood learning. In this paper we present Boosted Bayesian Network Classifiers, a framework to combine discriminative data-weighting with generative training of intermediate models. We show that Boosted Bayesian network Classifiers encompass the basic generative models in isolation, but improve their classification performance when the model structure is suboptimal. This framework can be easily extended to temporal Bayesian network models including HMM and DBN. On a large suite of benchmark data-sets, this approach outperforms generative graphical models such as naive Bayes, TAN, unrestricted Bayesian network and DBN in classification accuracy. Boosted Bayesian network classifiers have comparable or better performance in comparison to other discriminatively trained graphical models including ELR-NB, ELR-TAN, BNC-2P, BNC-MDL and CRF. Furthermore, boosted Bayesian networks require significantly less training time than all of the competing methods. en
dc.format.extent 2155040 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/1853/8360
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher Georgia Institute of Technology en
dc.relation.ispartofseries GVU Technical Report;GIT-GVU-05-23 en
dc.subject AdaBoost en
dc.subject Boosted dynamic Bayesian network en
dc.subject Graphical model en
dc.subject Hidden Markov Model en
dc.subject Discriminative training en
dc.subject Ensemble learning en
dc.subject Boosted Augmented Naive Bayes en
dc.subject Bayesian networks
dc.subject HMM
dc.subject Boosting
dc.subject Boosted Naive Bayes
dc.subject Dynamic Bayesian Network
dc.title Boosted Bayesian Network Classifiers en
dc.type Text
dc.type.genre Technical Report
dspace.entity.type Publication
local.contributor.author Rehg, James M.
local.contributor.corporatename GVU Center
local.relation.ispartofseries GVU Technical Report Series
relation.isAuthorOfPublication af5b46ec-ffe2-4ce4-8722-1373c9b74a37
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication d5666874-cf8d-45f6-8017-3781c955500f
relation.isSeriesOfPublication a13d1649-8f8b-4a59-9dec-d602fa26bc32
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