Synthesis and Isolation of 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks and an Examination of the Initial Stages of Crystallization

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Feriante, Cameron H.
Marder, Seth R.
Reynolds, John R.
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are crystalline network polymers with permanent porosity and a range of potential applications including gas storage and separation, molecular separations, catalysis, charge transport and others. This thesis focuses on two principle aspects of two-dimensional imine-linked COF synthesis; First, the activation process used to isolate the synthesized COF material and remove guest molecules such as solvent, catalyst, or oligomers, and second, the initial stages of the COF synthesis process where crystalline material first forms. A series of three 2D imine-linked COFs are examined after vacuum activation, activation with supercritical carbon dioxide and activation with nitrogen flow and heat. The crystallinity and porosity of the resulting materials is assessed to determine the structural changes induced by each activation method and to provide insight into the best methods for COF activation. Additionally, 2D imine-linked COFs are examined during the initial stages of the COF synthesis through a variety of in situ and ex situ methods to monitor the development of crystallinity during the reaction, and to assess how different structural features of the COF affect this process. The overall ambition of the thesis is to expand the foundational knowledge pertaining to the formation of 2D imine-linked COFs allowing for the synthesis and isolation of higher quality materials.
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