Strategic Planning of Abort Trajectories for Manned Lunar Missions

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Yuricich, Jillian
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Supplementary to
A resurgence in manned lunar missions is on the horizon with private space companies and nation states alike competing to be the first to return to the Moon since the Apollo program ended in 1972. Technology and mission planning abilities have expanded im mensely in the almost half century of time that has elapsed since Apollo 11 first landed on the Moon. It is therefore necessary to evaluate and update how abort procedures should be strategized given the increase in volume of crewed missions planned for the Moon and beyond. This research seeks to investigate three abort strategies for space vehicles in or bit around the Moon and provide a high-level road map of options based on their fuel costs and time of flight to return to the Earth. By investigating previous historic works in combination with more recent research, this paper intends to capitalize on previous math ematical derivations and combine multiple abort strategies into a coherent simulation tool. It is expected that given the nominal trajectory of a circular lunar orbit, a specific abort strategy with options ranging from single to triple-impulse requirements can be selected as the optimal trajectory for a return to Earth. This research provides a high-level road map of contingency plans and fills a gap in understanding abort strategies from lunar orbit.
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Masters Project
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