Statistical Reconstruction of Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Trajectories and Atmospheric Profiles

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Christian, John Allen
Braun, Robert D.
Associated Organization(s)
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Accurate post-flight reconstruction of a vehicle’s trajectory during entry into a planetary atmosphere can produce a wide array of valuable information. The data collected through the reconstruction of entry, descent, and landing (EDL) system performance enables the quantification of performance margins for future systems. Beyond the engineering knowledge gained through trajectory reconstruction, the results may also be used by planetary scientists to generate an accurate atmospheric profile. A computer tool was developed to facilitate the rapid analysis of data gathered during entry. Emphasis was placed on making the tool flexible and capable of easily incorporating different types of data. These data are used to provide an accurate reconstruction through the use of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). In its present form, the filter propagates the mean state forward using a three degree-of-freedom dynamic model and is capable of handling data from accelerometers and altimeters. The tool is validated against previous trajectory and atmosphere reconstructions that were performed for the Mars Pathfinder mission.
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Masters Project
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