National Water-Quality Assessment Program: Effect Of Restricted Phosphate Detergent Use And Mandated Upgrades At Two Wastewater-Treatment Facilities On Water Quality, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 1988-93

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DeVivo, Joseph C.
Frick, Elizabeth A.
Hippe, Daniel J.
Buell, Gary R.
Hatcher, Kathryn J.
Associated Organization(s)
Supplementary to
Historic effluent discharge and water-quality data analyses from six wastewater-treatment facilities (WWTF) in Metropolitan Atlanta indicated that the phosphorus load discharged to the Chattahoochee River decreased by about 83 percent during the period 1988-93 because of legislated restrictions on the use of phosphate detergents and improved efficiencies of phosphorus removal within WWTF. The U.S. Geological Survey recently compiled influent data for two Cobb County WWTF. These data, when compared to effluent data, are used as an example of percent phosphorus removal attributed to the legislated restrictions and improved efficiencies within the WWTF. Even though the volume of water treated by the two WWTF increased because of population growth, phosphorus concentrations and loads discharged from the WWTF decreased by 91-94 percent. About 55 percent of the decrease in phosphorus concentration, and 31-33 percent of the phosphorus load occurred in the influent and was attributed to the legislated restrictions on use of phosphate detergents. The remaining decrease in phosphorus concentrations and loads occurred in the WWTF and was attributed to improved efficiencies in treatment processes.
Sponsored and Organized by: U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, The University of Georgia, Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology
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