MBSE Enabled Conceptual Framework for Product Family and Platform Design

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Karsten, Fatma Karagoz
Mavris, Dimitri N.
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In recent decades, competition in the global marketplace and demands for product variety have driven the need for different approaches to product design where strategies that help achieve high variety and growth while maintaining economies of scale and system complexity gained significant importance. Product family design is a complex problem by nature: the number of dimensions of the problem is high and there is a need to design and manage multiple products and their inter-dependencies simultaneously. Platform decisions are obfuscated by the lack of a singular approach to determining the proper level of commonality and modularity. The focus of this research is addressing these challenges and providing information for selecting the most cost-beneficial design approaches via a comprehensive comparison of individual versus family designs as well as sequential versus simultaneous design approaches for developing aircraft families. In particular, the methodology developed in this research is expected to enhance the conceptual design phase with a well-defined complex system description for product family design by coupling MBSE and matrix-based methods. Clustering methods are embedded to provide guidance for modularity and commonality identification, followed by a systematic evaluation of the potential benefits and penalties of these decisions. Furthermore, product family architecture variability representation brings rigor to the traditional way of identifying configuration solutions and helps guide the architectural decision process by elimination of configurational choices for early-stage system architecture representation.
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