Methods Of Fabricating Nanoscale-to-microscale Structures

dc.contributor.patentcreator Sandhage, Kenneth Henry
dc.contributor.patentcreator Bao, Zhihao
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-12T14:28:43Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-12T14:28:43Z
dc.date.filed 8/13/2007
dc.date.issued 11/10/2009
dc.description.abstract Methods for the production of shaped nanoscale-to-microscale structures, wherein a nanoscale-to-microscale template is provided having an original chemical composition and an original shape, and the nanoscale-to-microscale template subjected to a chemical reaction, so as to partially or completely convert the nanoscale-to-microscale template into the shaped nanoscale-to-microscale structure having a chemical composition different than the original chemical composition and having substantially the same shape as the original shape, being a scaled version of the original shape. The shaped nanoscale-to-microscale structure formed comprises an element (such as silicon), a metallic alloy (such as a silicon alloy), or a non-oxide compound (such as silicon carbide or silicon nitride).
dc.description.assignee Georgia Tech Research Corporation
dc.identifier.cpc B81C99/0095
dc.identifier.cpc Y10T428/31551
dc.identifier.cpc Y10T428/31663
dc.identifier.patentapplicationnumber 11/838211
dc.identifier.patentnumber 7615206
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/1853/57823
dc.identifier.uspc 423/592.1
dc.title Methods Of Fabricating Nanoscale-to-microscale Structures
dc.type Text
dc.type.genre Patent
dspace.entity.type Publication
local.contributor.corporatename Georgia Institute of Technology
local.relation.ispartofseries Georgia Tech Patents
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication cc30e153-7a64-4ae2-9b1d-5436686785e3
relation.isSeriesOfPublication 0f49c79d-4efb-4bd9-b060-5c7f9191b9da
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