Guided Entry Performance of Low Ballistic Coefficient Vehicles at Mars

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Meginnis, Ian M.
Braun, Robert D.
Associated Organization(s)
Supplementary to
Current Mars entry, descent, and landing technology is near its performance limit and is generally unable to land payloads on the surface that exceed approximately 1 metric ton. One option for increasing landed payload mass capability is decreasing the entry vehicle’s hypersonic ballistic coefficient. A lower ballistic coefficient vehicle decelerates higher in the atmosphere, providing additional timeline and altitude margin necessary for landing more massive payloads. This study analyzed the guided entry performance of several low ballistic coefficient vehicle concepts at Mars. A terminal point controller guidance algorithm, based on the Apollo Final Phase algorithm, was used to provide precision targeting capability. Terminal accuracy, peak deceleration, peak heat rate, and integrated heat load were assessed and compared to a traditional Mars entry vehicle concept to determine the effects of lowering the vehicle ballistic coefficient on entry performance. Results indicate that, while terminal accuracy degrades slightly with decreasing ballistic coefficient, the terminal accuracy and other performance metrics remain within reasonable bounds for ballistic coefficients as low as 1 kg/m2 . As such, this investigation demonstrates that from a performance standpoint, guided entry vehicles with low ballistic coefficients (large diameters) may be feasible at Mars. Additionally, flight performance may be improved through the use of guidance schemes designed specifically for low ballistic coefficient vehicles, as well as novel terminal descent systems designed around low ballistic coefficient trajectories
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Masters Project
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