Simultaneous Delay and Power Optimization for Multi-level Partitioning and Floorplanning with Retiming

dc.contributor.author Ekpanyapong, Mongkol
dc.contributor.author Lim, Sung Kyu
dc.date.accessioned 2005-03-22T20:31:53Z
dc.date.available 2005-03-22T20:31:53Z
dc.date.issued 2003
dc.description.abstract Delay minimization and power minimization are two important objectives in the design of the high-performance, portable, and wireless computing and communication systems. Retiming is a very effective way for delay optimization for sequential circuits. In this paper we propose a unified framework for multi-level partitioning and floorplanning with retiming, targeting simultaneous delay and power optimization. We first discuss the importance of retiming delay and visible power as opposed to the conventional static delay and total power for sequential circuits. Then we propose GEO-PD algorithm for simultaneous delay and power optimization and provide smooth cutsize, wirelength, power and delay tradeoff. In GEO-PD, we use retiming based timing analysis and visible power analysis to identify timing and power critical nets and assign proper weights to them to guide the multi-level optimization process. In general, timing and power analysis are done at the original netlist while a recursive multi-level approach performs partitioning and floorplanning on the sub-netlist as well as its coarsened representations. We show an effective way to translate the timing and power analysis results from the original netlist to a coarsened sub-netlist for effective multi-level delay and power optimization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper addressing simultaneous delay and power optimization in multi-level partitioning and floorplanning. en
dc.format.extent 122938 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/1853/5927
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.publisher Georgia Institute of Technology en
dc.relation.ispartofseries CERCS;GIT-CERCS-03-08
dc.subject Floorplanning en
dc.subject High performance computing en
dc.subject Partitioning en
dc.subject Retiming en
dc.subject Multi-level partitioning en
dc.subject Wireless computing and communication systems en
dc.subject Simultaneous delay and power optimization en
dc.subject GEO-PD algorithm
dc.title Simultaneous Delay and Power Optimization for Multi-level Partitioning and Floorplanning with Retiming en
dc.type Text
dc.type.genre Technical Report
dspace.entity.type Publication
local.contributor.author Lim, Sung Kyu
local.contributor.corporatename Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems
local.relation.ispartofseries CERCS Technical Report Series
relation.isAuthorOfPublication 31bc3e86-9942-4b3f-aeae-783bb95052ff
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 1dd858c0-be27-47fd-873d-208407cf0794
relation.isSeriesOfPublication bc21f6b3-4b86-4b92-8b66-d65d59e12c54
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