Structural impacts of inflatable aerodynamic decelerator design

dc.contributor.advisor Rimoli, Julian J.
dc.contributor.advisor Braun, Robert D.
dc.contributor.author Li, Lin
dc.contributor.committeeMember Kennedy, Graeme
dc.contributor.committeeMember Dec, John
dc.contributor.committeeMember Cheatwood, Neil
dc.contributor.department Aerospace Engineering
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-08T12:44:40Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-08T12:44:40Z
dc.date.created 2020-08
dc.date.issued 2020-05-17
dc.date.submitted August 2020
dc.date.updated 2020-09-08T12:44:40Z
dc.description.abstract In order to land larger payloads to Mars, more capable decelerators are required to advance beyond the performance limitations of traditional heritage entry, descent, and landing technologies. One potential technology is an inflatable aerodynamic decelerator (IAD), a flexible aeroshell that can be folded and stowed in a rocket fairing during launch and inflated prior to entry. IADs allow for larger drag areas with minimal mass increase in comparison to traditional rigid aeroshells and, thus, enable improved deceleration performance. However, minimal insight is available regarding the impact of detailed IAD configuration design on their structural performance. Future missions involving IADs will require this structural performance information early in the design cycle in order to develop IADs that have favorable structural and mass performance and are tailorable to specific mission requirements. This thesis advances the state of the art of inflatable aerodynamic decelerator design by investigating the implications of IAD configuration on their structural and mass performance and developing data analysis techniques to assess an IAD's global dynamic response. These methodologies and results improve future IAD design efforts by enabling estimates of structural performance information in conceptual design, exploring the configurational impacts of novel decelerator designs, and providing new test methodologies to better evaluate those designs. This research, therefore, starts to explore the next phases in the IAD development process, as inflatable decelerator technology maturation transitions from early-stage concept demonstration to applications on future missions that require expanded capabilities beyond the current configurational design space. In order to inform conceptual design efforts, simplified models of traditional stacked tori and tension cone decelerators are developed that strategically eliminate complexity in the IAD design to enable rapid simulation of the structural response. These computationally efficient models are used to evaluate the entire configurational design space and enable assessments of the IAD design on their structural and mass performance. A new hybrid decelerator is also developed, leveraging the benefits of the stacked tori and tension cone designs, to provide configurations that better balance mass efficiency with reduced deflection compared to the traditional stacked tori and tension cone designs. New data analysis methodologies are also developed to extract information on an IAD’s dynamic response from photogrammetry data. These methodologies allow for visualization of the global IAD dynamic response along with an evaluation of the frequency content of motion. The analysis routines are applied to existing photogrammetry data sets to highlight fundamental characteristics of the decelerator dynamic response and fluid-structure resonance phenomena.
dc.description.degree Ph.D.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/1853/63594
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.publisher Georgia Institute of Technology
dc.subject Inflatable aerodynamic decelerator
dc.subject Stacked tori
dc.subject Tension cone
dc.subject Mars entry, descent, and landing
dc.subject Finite element
dc.subject Response surface
dc.subject Photogrammetry
dc.subject Flexible aeroshell
dc.subject IAD configuration design
dc.subject Structural performance
dc.subject Decelerator designs
dc.subject Design space study
dc.subject Rapid simulation
dc.title Structural impacts of inflatable aerodynamic decelerator design
dc.type Text
dc.type.genre Dissertation
dspace.entity.type Publication
local.contributor.advisor Rimoli, Julian J.
local.contributor.corporatename College of Engineering
local.contributor.corporatename Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering
local.relation.ispartofseries Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Aerospace Engineering
relation.isAdvisorOfPublication 27a85786-1cd4-4655-97d0-ba2c66eccfbc
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication 7c022d60-21d5-497c-b552-95e489a06569
relation.isOrgUnitOfPublication a348b767-ea7e-4789-af1f-1f1d5925fb65
relation.isSeriesOfPublication f6a932db-1cde-43b5-bcab-bf573da55ed6
thesis.degree.level Doctoral
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