Assessment of Possible Groundwater Contaminant Flow Paths in Two Upper Coastal Plain Hydrogeologic Settings
Assessment of Possible Groundwater Contaminant Flow Paths in Two Upper Coastal Plain Hydrogeologic Settings
Bentley, Samuel J.
Fay, William M.
Fay, William M.
Hatcher, Kathryn J.
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The Upper Coastal Plain geologic province of
Georgia and South Carolina has abundant groundwater in sand aquifers of Cretaceous- and Tertiary-age geologic formations. This groundwater, a primary source for agricultural, municipal, industrial, and
domestic water supply, is generally neutral to acid in pH, very low in dissolved solids, and below 100 μS/cm in specific conductance. Because of regional soil and sediment types, this groundwater is also vulnerable to
contamination from surface activities.
The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how we predicted and evaluated groundwater flow paths at a proposed waste site in the Upper Coastal Plain region of Crawford County, Georgia, based on patterns
of groundwater flow shown by Upper Coastal Plain flow models at the Savannah River Site (SRS). SRS is located in the Upper Coastal Plain of western South Carolina; groundwater flow at SRS has been studied extensively for over 30 years.
Sponsored and Organized by: U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, The University of Georgia, Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology
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