Dellaert, Frank

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 75
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GroupSAC: Efficient Consensus in the Presence of Groupings

2009-09 , Ni, Kai , Jin, Hailin , Dellaert, Frank

We present a novel variant of the RANSAC algorithm that is much more efficient, in particular when dealing with problems with low inlier ratios. Our algorithm assumes that there exists some grouping in the data, based on which we introduce a new binomial mixture model rather than the simple binomial model as used in RANSAC. We prove that in the new model it is more efficient to sample data from a smaller numbers of groups and groups with more tentative correspondences, which leads to a new sampling procedure that uses progressive numbers of groups. We demonstrate our algorithm on two classical geometric vision problems: wide-baseline matching and camera resectioning. The experiments show that the algorithm serves as a general framework that works well with three possible grouping strategies investigated in this paper, including a novel optical flow based clustering approach. The results show that our algorithm is able to achieve a significant performance gain compared to the standard RANSAC and PROSAC.

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Binding Balls: Fast Detection of Binding Sites Using a Property of Spherical Fourier Transform

2009 , Comin, Matteo , Guerra, Concettina , Dellaert, Frank

The functional prediction of proteins is one of the most challenging problems in modern biology. An established computational technique involves the identification of threedimensional local similarities in proteins. In this article, we present a novel method to quickly identify promising binding sites. Our aim is to efficiently detect putative binding sites without explicitly aligning them. Using the theory of Spherical Harmonics, a candidate binding site is modeled as a Binding Ball. The Binding Ball signature, offered by the Spherical Fourier coefficients, can be efficiently used for a fast detection of putative regions. Our contribution includes the Binding Ball modeling and the definition of a scoring function that does not require aligning candidate regions. Our scoring function can be computed efficiently using a property of Spherical Fourier transform (SFT) that avoids the evaluation of all alignments. Experiments on different ligands show good discrimination power when searching for known binding sites. Moreover, we prove that this method can save up to 40% in time compared with traditional approaches.

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Detecting and Matching Repeated Patterns for Automatic Geo-tagging in Urban Environments

2008-06 , Schindler, Grant , Krishnamurthy, Panchapagesan , Lublinerman, Roberto , Liu, Yanxi , Dellaert, Frank

We present a novel method for automatically geo-tagging photographs of man-made environments via detection and matching of repeated patterns. Highly repetitive environments introduce numerous correspondence ambiguities and are problematic for traditional wide-baseline matching methods. Our method exploits the highly repetitive nature of urban environments, detecting multiple perspectively distorted periodic 2D patterns in an image and matching them to a 3D database of textured facades by reasoning about the underlying canonical forms of each pattern. Multiple 2D-to-3D pattern correspondences enable robust recovery of camera orientation and location. We demonstrate the success of this method in a large urban environment.

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iSAM: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping

2008 , Kaess, Michael , Ranganathan, Ananth , Dellaert, Frank

We present incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM), a novel approach to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem that is based on fast incremental matrix factorization. iSAM provides an efficient and exact solution by updating a QR factorization of the naturally sparse smoothing information matrix, therefore recalculating only the matrix entries that actually change. iSAM is efficient even for robot trajectories with many loops as it avoids unnecessary fill-in in the factor matrix by periodic variable reordering. Also, to enable data association in real-time, we provide efficient algorithms to access the estimation uncertainties of interest based on the factored information matrix. We systematically evaluate the different components of iSAM as well as the overall algorithm using various simulated and real-world datasets for both landmark and pose-only settings.

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Bayesian Surprise and Landmark Detection

2009-05 , Ranganathan, Ananth , Dellaert, Frank

Automatic detection of landmarks, usually special places in the environment such as gateways, for topological mapping has proven to be a difficult task. We present the use of Bayesian surprise, introduced in computer vision, for landmark detection. Further, we provide a novel hierarchical, graphical model for the appearance of a place and use this model to perform surprise-based landmark detection. Our scheme is agnostic to the sensor type, and we demonstrate this by implementing a simple laser model for computing surprise. We evaluate our landmark detector using appearance and laser measurements in the context of a topological mapping algorithm, thus demonstrating the practical applicability of the detector.

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Learning General Optical Flow Subspaces for Egomotion Estimation and Detection of Motion Anomalies

2009 , Roberts, Richard , Potthast, Christian , Dellaert, Frank

This paper deals with estimation of dense optical flow and ego-motion in a generalized imaging system by exploiting probabilistic linear subspace constraints on the flow. We deal with the extended motion of the imaging system through an environment that we assume to have some degree of statistical regularity. For example, in autonomous ground vehicles the structure of the environment around the vehicle is far from arbitrary, and the depth at each pixel is often approximately constant. The subspace constraints hold not only for perspective cameras, but in fact for a very general class of imaging systems, including catadioptric and multiple-view systems. Using minimal assumptions about the imaging system, we learn a probabilistic subspace constraint that captures the statistical regularity of the scene geometry relative to an imaging system. We propose an extension to probabilistic PCA (Tipping and Bishop, 1999) as a way to robustly learn this subspace from recorded imagery, and demonstrate its use in conjunction with a sparse optical flow algorithm. To deal with the sparseness of the input flow, we use a generative model to estimate the subspace using only the observed flow measurements. Additionally, to identify and cope with image regions that violate subspace constraints, such as moving objects, objects that violate the depth regularity, or gross flow estimation errors, we employ a per-pixel Gaussian mixture outlier process. We demonstrate results of finding the optical flow subspaces and employing them to estimate dense flow and to recover camera motion for a variety of imaging systems in several different environments.

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Place Recognition-Based Fixed-Lag Smoothing for Environments with Unreliable GPS

2008-05 , Mottaghi, Roozbeh , Kaess, Michael , Ranganathan, Ananth , Roberts, Richard , Dellaert, Frank

Pose estimation of outdoor robots presents some distinct challenges due to the various uncertainties in the robot sensing and action. In particular, global positioning sensors of outdoor robots do not always work perfectly, causing large drift in the location estimate of the robot. To overcome this common problem, we propose a new approach for global localization using place recognition. First, we learn the location of some arbitrary key places using odometry measurements and GPS measurements only at the start and the end of the robot trajectory. In subsequent runs, when the robot perceives a key place, our fixed-lag smoother fuses odometry measurements with the relative location to the key place to improve its pose estimate. Outdoor mobile robot experiments show that place recognition measurements significantly improve the estimate of the smoother in the absence of GPS measurements.

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Flow Separation for Fast and Robust Stereo Odometry

2009-05 , Kaess, Michael , Ni, Kai , Dellaert, Frank

Separating sparse flow provides fast and robust stereo visual odometry that deals with nearly degenerate situations that often arise in practical applications.We make use of the fact that in outdoor situations different constraints are provided by close and far structure, where the notion of close depends on the vehicle speed. The motion of distant features determines the rotational component that we recover with a robust two-point algorithm. Once the rotation is known, we recover the translational component from close features using a robust one-point algorithm. The overall algorithm is faster than estimating the motion in one step by a standard RANSAC-based three-point algorithm. And in contrast to other visual odometry work, we avoid the problem of nearly degenerate data, under which RANSAC is known to return inconsistent results. We confirm our claims on data from an outdoor robot equipped with a stereo rig.

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Covariance Recovery from a Square Root Information Matrix for Data Association

2009 , Kaess, Michael , Dellaert, Frank

Data association is one of the core problems of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and it requires knowledge about the uncertainties of the estimation problem in the form of marginal covariances. However, it is often difficult to access these quantities without calculating the full and dense covariance matrix, which is prohibitively expensive. We present a dynamic programming algorithm for efficient recovery of the marginal covariances needed for data association. As input we use a square root information matrix as maintained by our incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM) algorithm. The contributions beyond our previous work are an improved algorithm for recovering the marginal covariances and a more thorough treatment of data association now including the joint compatibility branch and bound (JCBB) algorithm. We further show how to make information theoretic decisions about measurements before actually taking the measurement, therefore allowing a reduction in estimation complexity by omitting uninformative measurements. We evaluate our work on simulated and real-world data.

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Learning and Inferring Motion Patterns Using Parametric Segmental Switching Linear Dynamic Systems

2008 , Oh, Sang Min , Rehg, James M. , Balch, Tucker , Dellaert, Frank

Switching Linear Dynamic System (SLDS) models are a popular technique for modeling complex nonlinear dynamic systems. An SLDS provides the possibility to describe complex temporal patterns more concisely and accurately than an HMM by using continuous hidden states. However, the use of SLDS models in practical applications is challenging for several reasons. First, exact inference in SLDS models is computationally intractable. Second, the geometric duration model induced in standard SLDSs limits their representational power. Third, standard SLDSs do not provide a systematic way to robustly interpret systematic variations governed by higher order parameters. The contributions in this paper address all three challenges above. First, we present a data-driven MCMC sampling method for SLDSs as a robust and efficient approximate inference method. Second, we present segmental switching linear dynamic systems (S-SLDS), where the geometric distributions are replaced with arbitrary duration models. Third, we extend the standard model with a parametric model that can capture systematic temporal and spatial variations. The resulting parametric SLDS model (P-SLDS) uses EM to robustly interpret parametrized motions by incorporating additional global parameters that underly systematic variations of the overall motion. The overall development of the proposed inference methods and extensions for SLDSs provide a robust framework to interpret complex motions. The framework is applied to the honey bee dance interpretation task in the context of the on-going BioTracking project at Georgia Institute of Technology. The experimental results suggest that the enhanced models provide an effective framework for a wide range of motion analysis applications.