Master's Projects

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Publication Search Results

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A Plan for Industrial Land and Sustainable Industry in the City of Atlanta

2009-12-08 , Driemeier, Kale , Hoelzel, Nathanael , Jain, Rahul , Mansbach, Jodi , Morrow, Edward , Moseley, Charlie , Stevens, Shelley , Zayas, Ermis

The Atlanta Development Authority commissioned this report from the School of City and Regional Planning at Georgia Tech to better understand the problems and solutions to its loss of industrial land. In this report, we present a plan for the protection of industrial land in the City of Atlanta and to further the goal of stimulating future growth in Atlanta's industrial sector, all with an eye toward sustainability.

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Newton County Land Conservation Plan

2009 , Allen, Molly , Crewe, Sarahjoy , D'Onofrio, David , Fowler, Aaron , Hagan, Elizabeth , Hight, Elizabeth , Lang, Marisa , Lytle, Andrea , Smart, Brian , Tester, Mathew

Newton County has embarked on an innovative long-term planning process initiated by the Leadership Collaborative and facilitated through The Center for Community Preservation and Planning (The Center). This Land Conservation Plan is an integral part of this bigger picture process and has been facilitated by the Georgia Conservancy’s Blueprints for Successful Communities initiative.

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Friendship Village Final Studio Presentation

2008-12-03 , Anderson, Claudius , Arkin, Chelsea , Blaiklock, Philip , Branum, Cassie , Caimbeul, David , Drake, Thomas , Collums, Joe , Conville, Lane , Dagenhart, Richard , Doyle, Jessica , Drake, Thomas , Duong, Binh , Leigh, Nancey Greene , Kovacheva, Maria , Lawrence, Nathan , Finkelstein, Aria Ritz , Skach, John , Tucker, Tasheika

The Friendship Village group had the charge of advising a large-scale land developer on directions for promoting sustainability in the plans for a 210 acre multi-use project in south Fulton County, Georgia. Their work included site design recommendations modeled after traditional town centers in ten case studies but also included innovative open space and stormwater management proposals and ideas about educational and health care facilities. The diverse professional audience expressed admiration and the developer’s lead representative indicated that results exceeded her expectations.

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English Avenue Redevelopment Plan

2008 , Brandon, Brook , Causby, Stephen W. , Delahanty, A. Reggie , Jacobs, Brian , Kulinski, Elisabeth , Larsen, Michelle , Lawrence, Jessie D. , Mikalonous, Carl , McCarey, Heather , McClendon, Reginald B. , Simms, Steven C. , Wearing, Brett , Etienne, Harley E.

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Strategies for Neighborhood Recovery: High Point, Joyland and Chosewood Park, Atlanta

2009-12 , Lee, S. Won , Brandon, Leonard J. , Berry, Kirsten , Mullins, Nicholas , Sinclair, Alyssa , Mager, Christine , Brandon, Leonard J. , Smith, Brooks , Hawes, Mary Beth , Adrian, Troels , Lee, Yung San

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Chattanooga Downtown Westside 2009

2009 , Dagenhart, Richard , Yang, Perry Pei-Ju , Cambeul, David , Duong, Binh , Hussy, Heather , Kovacheva, Maria , Thorn, Robert

An urban design studio focused on the Westside of Downtown Chattanooga. sponsored by the City of Chattanooga. The studio project had four priorities for which urban design was to provide a framework for the Westside. First was to examine alternative to the grade separated Highway 27 that divides the Westside from Downtown. Second was stormwater management with the aim of reducing or eliminating combined sewer overflows from the Westside into the Tennessee River. Third was to extend the Riverfront Park to and along the River on the Westside, incorporating existing industry and weaving a future mixed-use industrial zone. Fourth, and finally, to explore options for future development of housing and commercial projects anticipating the impact - aesthetic and infrastructural - of the new riverfront park and extensive green infrastructure to define an expanded public domain.

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Corridor Possibilities: Governor's Drive in Huntsville, Alabama

2008-05 , Hsu, Jerry Shiuan-hua

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Lujiazui:Pudong: Retrofits

2009-12 , Dagenhart, Richard , Yang, Perry Pei-Ju , Getty, Drew , Thompson, Claire , Williams, Galen , Jones, Paul , Murphy, Diana , Tabor, Reginald , Johnson, Louis , Sanders, Julie , Ghizoni, Renato , Morrow, Edward , Wallace, Ross

A joint two-week workshop in Shanghai sponsored by the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech and the Department of Architecture at Tongji University. Projects were prepared in teams of Chinese and American students as retrofits to Lujiazui, the new financial “downtown” in Pudong, Shanghai.

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Articulating Everyday Space, Denver 2009

2009 , Branum, Cassie , Finkelstein, Aria , Kovacheva, Maria , King, Ben , Lawrence, Nathan

Denver has fared better than most American cities in the recent global economic downturn. Over the past decade, Denver’s real estate market has not expanded as rapidly as in other fast-growing U.S. cities. The city enjoys a diverse industrial base, including the booming alternative energy and bioscience sectors. On the office front, Denver’s low vacancy rate has changed little in the past year while lease rates have continued to increase. 2007 marked Denver’s biggest year in tourism, adding fuel to an economy which should emerge from the global financial crisis poised for continued growth and prosperity.

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Lindbergh-LaVista Corridor Coalition

2008 , Alexander, Jason , Barnett, Nathaniel , Bradshaw, Patrick , Brown, William , Bryant, William , Combs, Jason , Duggan, Colleen , Galewski, Nancy , Garvey, Blair , Lambert, Kaleah , Levin, Stephanie , Mayronne, John , McCard, Lisa , Morris, Catherine , Pfeifer, Eric , Rafferty, Jessica , Ray, Zackary , Rodriguez, Rolando , Roe, Matthew , Smith, Sarah , Tabor, Reginald , Thomas, Mary , Thorn, Robert , Tighe, Maureen , Vargo, Jason , Williams, Eddie , Yarsevich, Jared

Well before the Blueprints process began over four months ago two things were very apparent about the Lindbergh‐LaVista Corridor Coalition (LLCC) study area. First, due to the presence of neighborhood associations for Lindridge‐Martin Manor, LaVista Park and Woodland Hills it was known there were strong individual neighborhoods in the study area. This meant there were people willing to work to preserve and improve the places they live, work, play, and worship. Second, with the formation of the larger LLCC it was clear that there were common issues and visions among the three. Chief among these issues are the pressures of increased development entering the area. This subsequently conflicts with a shared vision of preserving the area's existing single‐family, leafy neighborhood character while still creating a better defined and recognizable image with outsiders. Embarking on the Blueprints process marks the realization by the neighborhoods of the LLCC that impending development is an opportunity more than it is a challenge. Preparing and clarifying the vision for the area will maximize the potential of the area and make a difference as development comes to the table. Initially, we held a stakeholders meeting in order to acquire information about the assets and challenges of the community. To fully grasp these assets and challenges, we presented our existing conditions findings to the stakeholders in a second meeting, based on four overarching sections: housing & demographics, urban design, transportation, and the environment. Once we had a firm grasp of existing conditions, we began to formulate ideas on how to enhance the community. We presented these ideas at a third stakeholder meeting where we were again able to get community feedback on our suggestions. The fourth and final stakeholder meeting was our opportunity to present the final recommendations for the LLCC and to get final input from the community for our report. We have split our recommendations into Nodes, Corridors, and Environment, three sections that continue to stand out as key areas of interest.