Master's Projects

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    Validation of APAS Aerodynamic Predictions with a Navier-Stokes CFD Analysis of a Hankey-Wedge Forebody
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999-12-09) Sorensen, Kirk
    While in the conceptual design phase of launch vehicles, aerodynamic data is often obtained through the use of a simple analytic program called APAS (Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System). While suffering from an archaic and temperamental interface, APAS yields results swiftly for simple geometries at a variety of angles of attack and Mach numbers. The results from APAS are compared to those obtained through the analysis of the same vehicle shape using a sophisticated CFD program called GASP (General Aerodynamic Simulation Program). The comparison is made on the forebody for the Stargazer Bantam launch vehicle, which is based on a Hankey-wedge design. Significant differences are noted and techniques to improve the accuracy of APAS output data are suggested