Petit Institute Breakfast Club Seminar Series

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Mechanoreception of Adhesion and Signaling Molecules on the Cell Surface

2014-11-11 , Zhu, Cheng

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Autonomous Mobile Robots for Personalized Caregiving

2014-08-12 , Kemp, Charles C.

Mobile robots with autonomous capabilities have the potential to provide 24/7 personalized care, dramatically improving the quality of life of people with motor impairments. I will first provide an overview of opportunities for robots to provide beneficial physical assistance in the context of healthcare. I will then focus on my lab’s research to enable people with severe motor impairments to perform everyday tasks for themselves using mobile robots. In particular, I will focus on our work with Henry Evans, who has severe impairments due to a brain stem stroke. Through our research, Henry has been able to perform a number of tasks for himself for the first time in 10 years, such as pulling a blanket over himself, shaving himself, and operating mechanisms in his home. A key aspect of our work has been giving robots the ability to intelligently regulate the forces they apply while providing assistance.

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The Spinal Cord: Parallel/Distributed Processor Regulating Limb Mechanics

2014-10-14 , Nichols, T. Richard

The work in the Neurophysiology Laboratory is focused on mechanisms underlying motor coordination in mammalian systems. These mechanisms are to be found in the structure and dynamic properties of the musculoskeletal system as well as in the organization of neuronal circuits in the central nervous system. Our work concerns the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and spinal cord that give rise to normal and abnormal movement and posture, and in the manner in which central pattern-generating networks are modified for specific motor tasks. Their studies have applications in several movement disorders, including spinal cord injury. The experimental approaches span a number of levels, from mechanical studies of isolated muscle cells to kinematic measurements of natural behavior in quadrupeds.

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Translational MEMS-Based Technologies for Overcoming Sensory Loss in the Human Auditory and Vestibular Systems

2014-06-10 , Bhatti, Pamela T.

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RNA and Protein: A Match Made in the Hadean

2014-09-09 , Williams, Loren D.

Biological systems record historical information, as seen in the growth rings of trees. On a molecular level, records are detailed and extensive, connecting us to the pre-history of biology (the origin of life). The most ancient macromolecules in biology are found in the ribosome, which is the RNA-protein complex responsible for the synthesis of all coded protein in living organisms. The catalytic core of the ribosome a deeply-frozen molecular fossil that is older than modern biology. The origins and early development of the ribosome, billions of years ago, remain firmly imprinted in the biochemistry of extant life. The ribosome tells us part of the story of the origin of life. The information contained within the ribosome guides our laboratory in experimentally recapitulating critical chemical and biochemical steps in the origin and early evolution of life.

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Ancestry, Admixture and Selection in Colombian Genomes

2014-04-08 , Jordan, I. King