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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 59
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    Setting ourselves up for success: Starting a new mentor training program
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023-10-23) Givens, Marlee
    After completing an expensive renovation and coming out of a pandemic lockdown, both of which necessitated hiring freezes, our library has begun recruiting and hiring its first new librarians and archivists in many years. We have also hired our first ACRL Diversity Fellows. It has been nearly a decade since we have had a formal mentoring program in this library. The institution to which we belong has also started looking at establishing mentoring programs for faculty. Several studies indicate that training mentors can lead to greater success for mentoring efforts, and we coordinated our first mentor training program this year. This poster will cover the model we set up as well as other options to consider when creating training for mentors in your library.
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    Multimodal information literacy and technical skills for first-year students
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-02) Givens, Marlee ; Holdsworth, Liz
    The poster describes different forms of literacy, such as data, visual, and audio literacy. It lists specific collaborations that engaged Georgia Tech Librarians, how they taught classes, and the outcomes of the project.
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    Making the Invisible Visible: Using Portfolio/Project Management to Create an Online Presence that Delivers Content & Services at Scale
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11) Jeffcoat, Heather ; Murray-Rust, Catherine
    Georgia Tech's Library Next grew from a building renovation into a total reinvention of the Library for the 21st century. A key part of Library Next is the creation of an online presence that delivers services and content at scale. Learn how the Georgia Tech Library used portfolio and project management to change a dated website into a modern, top-shelf Drupal platform. The result is a highly customizable and technologically advanced website that puts the Library in a leadership position among campus and higher education peers. This session will focus on the context of the online presence transformation, the Library's portfolio and project management strategy, and the design and development involved in creating the new website.
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    Agile Strategies for Customizing and Enhancing Discovery Interfaces
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-03) Jeffcoat, Heather ; Slutskaya, Sofia
    This poster outlines strategies for successful fine-tuning of the Primo discovery interface. Including: Agile approach of tracking required changes and implementing them; Collaboration between instructional librarians, IT staff supporting Primo, and metadata librarians; Ongoing collection of user feedback; Ongoing commitment to improving the user experience based on feedback.
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    Student Cross-Training within the User Services Department of Musselman Library, Gettysburg College
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Hinton, Natalie
    Supervisors within the User Services Department at Musselman library have collaborated to assess student worker tasks. Determining like tasks across units has informed the development and ongoing refinement of cross-training for student colleagues. Musselman Library's User Services dept. has encountered increasing building usage/changes with how students are interacting with library resources, flat budgets, staffing reorganizations, etc. To meet the needs of library patrons, the decision was made to implement more cross-training among US student workers to utilize them more efficiently/allow them to grow/etc. US has the largest student workforce in the library, so there were challenges in how to implement a cross-training platform among 36 students. To best determine how to serve both our library patrons, and also commit to providing practical training for student workers, several new programs/processes/etc were developed. An evaluation system was developed to assess student progress, as well as get feedback from students regarding areas they wished to grow. Through programmatic events, students learned more about different departments in the library, developed technology skills, visited IT to meet other student workers, etc. Student supervisors were charged with working with students to develop cross-departmental competencies and expose them to the variety of jobs in a modern academic library. As we continue to evaluate the student workers and learn from their feedback, we hope to implement additional, targeted training in the future (Emergency Preparedness, technology, library organization and work flow, etc.) The Musselman Library User Services Department consists of: Circulation and Stacks, Reserves, and Interlibrary Loan.
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    Creative and Helpful! Developing Student Peer Staff Skills
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Turkewitz, Deborah
    The creative skills of an academic library's student peer staff are examined in their museum, makerspace, and library display projects.
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    Interlibrary Loan Dissertation Requests: Best Practices and the Need for OA
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Dettinger, John
    This poster presentation will highlight the best practices Gettysburg College has adopted for processing dissertation requests through interlibrary loan. It will also illustrate the need for greater participation in OA dissertation repositories.
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    When You are in Charge: Reflections on Managing Staff in the Library
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Riley-Reid, Trevar
    There are times when we might find ourselves in charge, often through no fault or motive of our own! Sometimes there might be an organizational shift, someone might retire or divisions merge and then YOU are in charge. Sometimes even a simple situation, such as having an intern or a work-study student still results in having to be responsible for the work outcomes and evaluations of another. Get some ideas on how to navigate the choppy waters of management.
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    Using Blackboard as a Springboard for Student Training and Communication
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Lee, Shaundra L.
    This poster will detail how the Research and Learning Services department uses Blackboard to streamline student worker communication and scheduling.
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    Inspire to Aim Higher
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-11-17) Butler, Margaret ; Panella, Jessica
    How do you make improvement when things are going well? The poster identifies strategies including statistical analysis, opportunistic change, and team development and shows how they can be helpful for moving services and customer satisfaction with front desk services, interlibrary loan, and reference services from good to awesome.