Organizational Unit:
Fusion Research Center

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Calculation of toroidal rotation profiles in DIII-D using neoclassical viscosity (DoE Grant ER54538)
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005-10) Stacey, Weston M. ; Johnson, R. W. ; Mandrekas, John
    Momentum and particle balance and neoclassical viscosity were applied to calculate the radial profile of toroidal rotation in several DIII-D [J. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion, 42, 614 (2002)] discharges in a variety of energy confinement regimes (Low-mode, Low-mode with Internal Transport Barrier, Highmode, and High-mode with Quiescent Double Barrier). Calculated toroidal rotation velocities were found to over-predict measured values most in the center—by factors of 1.5 to 3--with the over-prediction generally decreasing with increasing radius, for the L, H and ITB mode shots, but the single impurity species approximation could not properly model the multiple Ni and Cu charge states in the QDB shots.
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    Improvements in the 2D TEP Neutral Particle Transport Calculation in Edge Plasmas (DoE Grant ER54538)
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005-10) Zhang, Dingkang ; Mandrekas, John ; Stacey, Weston M.
    Extensions of the 2D Transmission and Escape Probability neutral particle transport method in treating the spatial non-uniformity of collision sources and neutral energy effects are presented. These extensions have been tested by benchmarks against Monte Carlo calculations for specially designed models and for realistic DIII-D discharges. The comparisons indicate these extensions improve accuracy of the TEP method.
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    Sub-critical Transmutation Reactors with Tokamak Fusion Neutron Sources
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John ; Hoffman, E. A. (Elisha Albright)
    The principal results of a series of design scoping studies of sub-critical fast transmutation reactors (based on the nuclear and processing technology being developed in the USDoE Generation IV, Advanced Fuel Cycle and Next Generation Nuclear Plant programs) coupled with a tokamak fusion neutron source (based on the ITER design basis physics and technology) are presented.
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    2004 Annual Report Fusion Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology [Title page]
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004-10) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John
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    Next-Step Option Physics (Grant ER54350)
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004-10) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John ; Hoffman, E. A. (Elisha Albright)
    For more than a decade we have been involved in physics and design analysis of possible nextstep tokamak options, including first ITER, later FIRE and most recently a tokamak neutron source for a near-term transmutation reactor for burning the transuranics in spent nuclear fuel. We have also recently supported the National Transport Code Coordination activity under this grant. In recent years, much of the effort has been devoted to defining the physics and performance characteristics required of a tokamak fusion neutron source that could drive a sub-critical reactor for the transmutation of the transuranics in spent nuclear fuel. This document provides a final report for the activity in each of these areas for the last grant period.
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    Collaborative Analysis of DIII-D (DoE Grant ER54538)
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004-10) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John
    The collaboration of the Georgia Tech Fusion Research Center in the analysis and interpretation of DIII-D experiments as part of the national DIII-D Team began in 1998 under support from General Atomics and has continued since 1999 under support of DoE OFES (Grant DE-FG02-ER54538). This analysis and interpretation of DIII-D experiments has been closely integrated with the ongoing, internally supported code and theory development in the Georgia Tech Fusion Research Center, and results of both efforts are discussed in this section without distinction. The principal areas of experimental analysis and interpretation have been: 1) the physics of the edge pedestal; 2) density limits caused by thermal instabilities in the plasma edge; 3) plasma rotation; 4) neutral atom fueling and recycling in the plasma edge; and 5) impurity transport in general and the radiating mantle in particular.
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    Extensions of the TEP Neutral Transport Methodology
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004-04) Stacey, Weston M. ; Zhang, Dingkang ; Mandrekas, John
    Recent extensions of the Transmission and Escape Probability methodology and its implementation in the 2-D neutral transport code GTNEUT are presented. These extensions address the issues of anisotropy of the neutral distribution function at the interfaces and the non-uniformity of the first collision source in short mean free path regions. Comparisons with Monte Carlo for a number of model problems are discussed.
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    A Superconducting Tokamak Fusion Transmutation of Waste Reactor
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004-01) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mauer, A. N. ; Mandrekas, John ; Hoffman, E. A. (Elisha Albright)
    We are developing a Fusion Transmutation of Waste Reactor (FTWR) concept—a sub-critical, metal fuel, liquid metal cooled fast reactor driven by a tokamak DT fusion neutron source. An emphasis is placed on using nuclear, separation/processing and fusion technologies that either exist or are at an advanced state of development and on using plasma physics parameters that are supported by the existing database. We have previously discussed the general capabilities of DT tokamak neutron sources for driving transmutation reactors [1] and developed a design concept for a FTWR [2] based on normal conducting magnets. The concept has been further developed in papers dealing with nuclear design and safety [3] and with the evaluation of the potential impact on radioactive waste management [4]. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the FTWR design concept would change if superconducting magnets were used.
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    Analysis of DIII-D Experiments (DOE GRANT ER54538)
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003-12) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John ; Groebner, Rich J. ; Petrie, Thomas W. ; Colchin, Richard J.
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    Theory, Analysis and Code Development
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003-12) Stacey, Weston M. ; Mandrekas, John ; Zhang, Dingkang ; Umansky, Maxim V. ; Rognlien, Thomas D.