Organizational Unit:
School of Computational Science and Engineering

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Publication Search Results

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Long read mapping at scale: Algorithms and applications

2019-04-01 , Jain, Chirag

Capability to sequence DNA has been around for four decades now, providing ample time to explore its myriad applications and the concomitant development of bioinformatics methods to support them. Nevertheless, disruptive technological changes in sequencing often upend prevailing protocols and characteristics of what can be sequenced, necessitating a new direction of development for bioinformatics algorithms and software. We are now at the cusp of the next revolution in sequencing due to the development of long and ultra-long read sequencing technologies by Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Long reads are attractive because they narrow the scale gap between sizes of genomes and sizes of sequenced reads, with the promise of avoiding assembly errors and repeat resolution challenges that plague short read assemblers. However, long reads themselves sport error rates in the vicinity of 10-15%, compared to the high accuracy of short reads (< 1%). There is an urgent need to develop bioinformatics methods to fully realize the potential of long-read sequencers. Mapping and alignment of reads to a reference is typically the first step in genomics applications. Though long read technologies are still evolving, research efforts in bioinformatics have already produced many alignment-based and alignment-free read mapping algorithms. Yet, much work lays ahead in designing provably efficient algorithms, formally characterizing the quality of results, and developing methods that scale to larger input datasets and growing reference databases. While the current model to represent the reference as a collection of linear genomes is still favored due to its simplicity, mapping to graph-based representations, where the graph encodes genetic variations in a human population also becomes imperative. This dissertation work is focused on provably good and scalable algorithms for mapping long reads to both linear and graph references. We make the following contributions: 1. We develop fast and approximate algorithms for end-to-end and split mapping of long reads to reference genomes. Our work is the first to demonstrate scaling to the entire NCBI database, the collection of all curated and non-redundant genomes. 2. We generalize the mapping algorithm to accelerate the related problems of computing pairwise whole-genome comparisons. We shed light on two fundamental biological questions concerning genomic duplications and delineating microbial species boundaries. 3. We provide new complexity results for aligning reads to graphs under Hamming and edit distance models to classify the problem variants for which existence of a polynomial time solution is unlikely. In contrast to prior results that assume alphabets as a function of the problem size, we prove that the problem variants that allow edits in graph remain NP-complete for even constant-sized alphabets, thereby resolving computational complexity of the problem for DNA and protein sequence to graph alignments. 4. Finally, we propose a new parallel algorithm to optimally align long reads to large variation graphs derived from human genomes. It demonstrates near linear scaling on multi-core CPUs, resulting in run-time reduction from multiple days to three hours when aligning a long read set to an MHC human variation graph.

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Distributed memory building blocks for massive biological sequence analysis

2018-04-03 , Pan, Tony C.

K-mer indices and de Bruijn graphs are important data structures in bioinformatics with multiple applications ranging from foundational tasks such as error correction, alignment, and genome assembly, to knowledge discovery tasks including repeat detection and SNP identification. While advances in next generation sequencing technologies have dramatically reduced the cost and improved latency and throughput, few bioinformatics tools can efficiently process the data sets at the current generation rate of 1.8 terabases every 3 days. The volume and velocity with which sequencing data is generated necessitate efficient algorithms and implementation of k-mer indices and de Bruijn graphs, two central components in bioinformatic applications. Existing applications that utilize k-mer counting and de Bruijn graphs, however, tend to provide embedded, specialized implementations. The research presented here represents efforts toward the creation of the first reusable, flexible, and extensible distributed memory parallel libraries for k-mer indexing and de Bruijn graphs. These libraries are intended for simplifying the development of bioinformatics applications for distributed memory environments. For each library, our goals are to create a set of API that are simple to use, and provide optimized implementations based on efficient parallel algorithms. We designed algorithms that minimize communication volume and latency, and developed implementations with better cache utilization and SIMD vectorization. We developed Kmerind, a k-mer counting and indexing library based on distributed memory hash table and distributed sorted arrays, that provide efficient insert, find, count, and erase operations. For de Bruijn graphs, we developed Bruno by leveraging Kmerind functionalities to support parallel de Bruijn graph construction, chain compaction, error removal, and graph traversal and element query. Our performance evaluations showed that Kmerind is scalable and high performance. Kmerind counted k-mers in a 120GB data set in less than 13 seconds on 1024 cores, and indexing the k-mer positions in 17 seconds. Using the Cori supercomputer and incorporating architecture aware optimizations as well as MPI-OpenMP hybrid computation and overlapped communication, Kmerind was able to count a 350GB data set in 4.1 seconds using 4096 cores. Kmerind has been shown to out-perform the state-of-the-art k-mer counting tools at 32 to 64 cores on a shared memory system. The Bruno library is built on Kmerind and implements efficient algorithms for construction, compaction, and error removal. It is capable of constructing, compacting,and generating unitigs for a 694GB human read data set in 7.3 seconds on 7680 Edison cores. It is 1.4X and 3.7X faster than its state-of-the-art alternatives in shared and distributed memory environments, respectively. Error removal in a graph constructed from an 162 GB data set completed in 13.1 and 3.91 seconds with frequency filter of 2 and 4 respectively on 16 nodes, totaling 512 cores. While our target domain is bioinformatics, we approached algorithm design and implementation with the aim for broader applicabilities in computer science and other application domains. As a result, our chain compaction and cycle detection algorithms can feasibly be applied to general graphs, and our distributed and sequential cache friendly hash tables as well as vectorized hash functions are generic and application neutral.

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Parallel and scalable combinatorial string algorithms on distributed memory systems

2019-03-29 , Flick, Patrick

Methods for processing and analyzing DNA and genomic data are built upon combinatorial graph and string algorithms. The advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing is enabling the generation of billions of reads per experiment. Classical and sequential algorithms can no longer deal with these growing data sizes - which for the last 10 years have greatly out-paced advances in processor speeds. Processing and analyzing state-of-the-art genomic data sets require the design of scalable and efficient parallel algorithms and the use of large computing clusters. Suffix arrays and trees are fundamental string data structures, which lie at the foundation of many string algorithms, with important applications in text processing, information retrieval, and computational biology. Conversely, the parallel construction of these indices is an actively studied problem. However, prior approaches lacked good worst-case run-time guarantees and exhibit poor scaling and overall performance. In this work, we present our distributed-memory parallel algorithms for indexing large datasets, including algorithms for the distributed construction of suffix arrays, LCP arrays, and suffix trees. We formulate a generalized version of the All-Nearest-Smaller-Values problem, provide an optimal distributed solution, and apply it to the distributed construction of suffix trees - yielding a work-optimal parallel algorithm. Our algorithms for distributed suffix array and suffix tree construction improve the state-of-the-art by simultaneously improving worst-case run-time bounds and achieving superior practical performance. Next, we introduce a novel distributed string index, the Distributed Enhanced Suffix Array (DESA) - based on the suffix and LCP arrays, the DESA consists of these and additional distributed data structures. The DESA is designed to allow efficient pattern search queries in distributed memory while requiring at most O(n/p) memory per process. We present efficient distributed-memory parallel algorithms for querying, as well as for the efficient construction of this distributed index. Finally, we present our work on distributed-memory algorithms for clustering de Bruijn graphs and its application to solving a grand challenge metagenomic dataset.

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Algorithmic techniques for the micron automata processor

2015-05-15 , Roy, Indranil

Our research is the first in-depth study in the use of the Micron Automata Processor, a novel re-configurable streaming co-processor which is purpose-built to execute thousands of Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) in parallel. By design, this processor is well-suited to accelerate applications which need to find all occurrences of thousands of complex string-patterns in the input data. We have validated this by implementing two such applications, one from network security and the other from bioinformatics, both of which are significantly faster than their state-of-art counterparts. Our research has also widened the scope of the applications which can be accelerated through this processor by finding ways to quickly program any generic graph into it and then search for hard to find features like maximal-cliques and Hamiltonian paths. These applications and algorithms have yielded valuable design-inputs for next generation of the chip which is currently in design phase. We hope that this work paves the way to the early adoption of this upcoming architecture and to efficient solution of some of the currently computationally challenging problems.

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Techniques to improve genome assembly quality

2019-03-28 , Nihalani, Rahul

De-novo genome assembly is an important problem in the field of genomics. Discovering and analysing genomes of different species has numerous applications. For humans, it can lead to early detection of disease traits and timely prevention of diseases like cancer. In addition, it is useful in discovering genomes of unknown species. Even though it has received enormous attention in the last couple of decades, the problem remains unsolved to a satisfactory level, as shown in various scientific studies. Paired-end sequencing is a technology that sequences pairs of short strands from a genome, called reads. The pairs of reads originate from nearby genomic locations, and are commonly used to help more accurately determine the genomic location of individual reads and resolve repeats in genome assembly. In this thesis, we describe the genome assembly problem, and the key challenges involved in solving it. We discuss related work where we describe the two most popular models to approach the problem: de-Bruijn graphs and overlap graphs, along with their pros and cons. We describe our proposed techniques to improve the quality of genome assembly. Our main contribution in this work is designing a de-Bruijn graph based assembly algorithm to effectively utilize paired reads to improve genome assembly quality. We also discuss how our algorithm tackles some of the key challenges involved in genome assembly. We adapt this algorithm to design a parallel strategy to obtain high quality assembly for large datasets such as rice within reasonable time-frame. In addition, we describe our work on probabilistically estimating overlap graphs for large short reads datasets. We discuss the results obtained for our work, and conclude with some future work.