Organizational Unit:
School of Computational Science and Engineering

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Interactive Scalable Discovery Of Concepts, Evolutions, And Vulnerabilities In Deep Learning
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023-12-05) Park, Haekyu
    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are increasingly prevalent, but deciphering their operations is challenging. Such a lack of clarity undermines trust and problem-solving during deployment, highlighting the urgent need for interpretability. How can we efficiently summarize concepts models learn? How do these concepts evolve during training? When models are at risk from potential threats, how do we explain their vulnerabilities? We address these concerns with a human-centered approach, by developing novel systems to interpret learned concepts, their evolution, and potential vulnerabilities within deep learning. This thesis focuses on three key thrusts: (1) Scalable Automatic Visual Summarization of Concepts. We develop NeuroCartography, an interactive system that scalably summarizes and visualizes concepts learned by a large-scale DNN, such as InceptionV1 trained with 1.2M images. A large-scale human evaluation with 244 participants shows that NeuroCartography discovers coherent, human-meaningful concepts. (2) Insights to Reveal Model Vulnerabilities. We develop scalable interpretation techniques to visualize and identify internal elements in DNNs, which are susceptible to potential harms, aiming to understand how these defects lead to incorrect predictions. We develop first-of-its-kind interactive systems such as Bluff that visually compares the activation pathways for benign and attacked images in DNNs, and SkeletonVis that explains how attacks manipulate human joint detection in human action recognition models. (3) Scalable Discovery of Concept Evolution During Training. Our first-of-its-kind ConceptEvo unified interpretation framework holistically reveals the inception and evolution of learned concepts and their relationships during training. ConceptEvo enables powerful new ways to monitor model training and discover training issues, addressing critical limitations of existing post-training interpretation research. A large-scale human evaluation with 260 participants demonstrates that ConceptEvo identifies concept evolutions that are both meaningful to humans and important for class predictions. This thesis contributes to information visualization, deep learning, and crucially, their intersection. We have developed open-source interactive interfaces, scalable algorithms, and a unified framework for interpreting DNNs across different models. Our work impacts academia, industry, and the government. For example, our work has contributed to the DARPA GARD program (Garanteeing AI Robustness against Deception). Additionally, our work has been recognized through a J.P. Morgan AI PhD Fellowship and 2022 Rising Stars in IEEE EECS. NeuroCartography has been highlighted as a top visualization publication (top 1%) invited to SIGGRAPH.
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    Understanding, Fortifying and Democratizing AI Security
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022-04-19) Das, Nilaksh
    As we steadily move towards an AI-powered utopia that could only be imagined in lofty fiction in the recent past, a formidable threat is emerging that endangers the acute capitalization of AI in our everyday lives. A growing body of adversarial machine learning research has revealed that deep neural networks — the workhorse of modern AI applications — are extremely vulnerable to adversarial examples. These are malicious inputs crafted by an attacker that can completely confuse deep neural networks into making incorrect predictions. Therefore, for people to have complete confidence in using AI applications, there is not only an urgent need to develop strong, practical solutions to defend real-world AI cyber-systems; there is also an equally pressing necessity to enable people to interpret AI vulnerabilities and understand how and why adversarial attacks and defenses work. It is also critical that the technologies for AI security be brought to the masses, and AI security research be as accessible and as pervasive as AI itself. After all, AI impacts people from all walks of life. This dissertation addresses these fundamental challenges through creating holistic interpretation techniques for better understanding of attacks and defenses, developing effective and principled defenses for protecting AI across input modalities, and building tools that enable scalable interactive experimentation with AI security and adversarial ML research. This dissertation has a vision of enhancing trust in AI by making AI security more accessible and adversarial ML education more equitable, while focusing on three complementary research thrusts: (1) Exposing AI Vulnerabilities through Visualization & Interpretable Representations. We develop intuitive interpretation techniques for deciphering adversarial attacks. (2) Mitigating Adversarial Examples Across Modalities & Tasks. We develop robust defenses which are generalizable across diverse AI tasks and input modalities. (3) Democratizing AI Security Research & Pedagogy with Scalable Interactive Experimentation. We enable researchers, practitioners and students to perform in-depth security testing of AI models through interactive experimentation. Our work has made a significant impact to industry and society: our research has produced novel defenses that have been tech-transferred to industry; our interactive visualization systems have significantly expanded the intuitive understanding of AI vulnerabilities; and our scalable AI security framework and research tools, becoming available to thousands of students, is transforming AI education at scale.
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    Developing Robust Models, Algorithms, Databases and Tools With Applications to Cybersecurity and Healthcare
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-12-13) Freitas, Scott
    As society and technology becomes increasingly interconnected, so does the threat landscape. Once isolated threats now pose serious concerns to highly interdependent systems, highlighting the fundamental need for robust machine learning. This dissertation contributes novel tools, algorithms, databases, and models—through the lens of robust machine learning—in a research effort to solve large-scale societal problems affecting millions of people in the areas of cybersecurity and healthcare. (1) Tools: We develop TIGER, the first comprehensive graph robustness toolbox; and our ROBUSTNESS SURVEY identifies critical yet missing areas of graph robustness research. (2) Algorithms: Our survey and toolbox reveal existing work has overlooked lateral attacks on computer authentication networks. We develop D2M, the first algorithmic framework to quantify and mitigate network vulnerability to lateral attacks by modeling lateral attack movement from a graph theoretic perspective. (3) Databases: To prevent lateral attacks altogether, we develop MALNET-GRAPH, the world’s largest cybersecurity graph database—containing over 1.2M graphs across 696 classes—and show the first large-scale results demonstrating the effectiveness of malware detection through a graph medium. We extend MALNET-GRAPH by constructing the largest binary-image cybersecurity database—containing 1.2M images, 133×more images than the only other public database—enabling new discoveries in malware detection and classification research restricted to a few industry labs (MALNET-IMAGE). (4) Models: To protect systems from adversarial attacks, we develop UNMASK, the first model that flags semantic incoherence in computer vision systems, which detects up to 96.75% of attacks, and defends the model by correctly classifying up to 93% of attacks. Inspired by UNMASK’s ability to protect computer visions systems from adversarial attack, we develop REST, which creates noise robust models through a novel combination of adversarial training, spectral regularization, and sparsity regularization. In the presence of noise, our method improves state-of-the-art sleep stage scoring by 71%—allowing us to diagnose sleep disorders earlier on and in the home environment—while using 19× less parameters and 15×less MFLOPS. Our work has made significant impact to industry and society: the UNMASK framework laid the foundation for a multi-million dollar DARPA GARD award; the TIGER toolbox for graph robustness analysis is a part of the Nvidia Data Science Teaching Kit, available to educators around the world; we released MALNET, the world’s largest graph classification database with 1.2M graphs; and the D2M framework has had major impact to Microsoft products, inspiring changes to the product’s approach to lateral attack detection.
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    Interactive Scalable Interfaces for Machine Learning Interpretability
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-12-01) Hohman, Frederick
    Data-driven paradigms now solve the world's hardest problems by automatically learning from data. Unfortunately, what is learned is often unknown to both the people who train the models and the people they impact. This has led to a rallying cry for machine learning interpretability. But how we enable interpretability? How do we scale up explanations for modern, complex models? And how can we best communicate them to people? Since machine learning now impacts people's daily lives, we answer these questions taking a human-centered perspective by designing and developing interactive interfaces that enable interpretability at scale and for everyone. This thesis focuses on: (1) Enabling machine learning interpretability: User research with practitioners guides the creation of our novel operationalization for interpretability, which helps tool builders design interactive systems for model and prediction explanations. We develop two such visualization systems, Gamut and TeleGam, which we deploy at Microsoft Research as a design probe to investigate the emerging practice of interpreting models. (2) Scaling deep learning interpretability: Our first-of-its-kind Interrogative Survey reveals critical yet understudied areas of deep learning interpretability research, such as the lack of higher-level explanations for neural networks. Through Summit, an interactive visualization system, we present the first scalable graph representation that summarizes and visualizes what features deep learning models learn and how those features interact to make predictions (e.g., InceptionNet trained on ImageNet with 1.2M+ images). (3) Communicating interpretability with interactive articles: We use interactive articles, a new medium on the web, to teach people about machine learning's capabilities and limitations, while developing a new interactive publishing initiative called the Parametric Press. From our success publishing interactive content at scale, we generalize and detail the affordances of Interactive Articles by connecting techniques used in practice and the theories and empirical evaluations put forth by diverse disciplines of research. This thesis contributes to information visualization, machine learning, and more importantly their intersection, including open-source interactive interfaces, scalable algorithms, and new, accessible communication paradigms. Our work is making significant impact in industry and society: our visualizations have been deployed and demoed at Microsoft and built into widely-used interpretability toolkits, our interactive articles have been read by 250,000+ people, and our interpretability research is supported by NASA.
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    Human-centered AI through scalable visual data analytics
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-01) Kahng, Minsuk Brian
    While artificial intelligence (AI) has led to major breakthroughs in many domains, understanding machine learning models remains a fundamental challenge. How can we make AI more accessible and interpretable, or more broadly, human-centered, so that people can easily understand and effectively use these complex models? My dissertation addresses these fundamental and practical challenges in AI through a human-centered approach, by creating novel data visualization tools that are scalable, interactive, and easy to learn and to use. With such tools, users can better understand models by visually exploring how large input datasets affect the models and their results. Specifically, my dissertation focuses on three interrelated parts: (1) Unified scalable interpretation: developing scalable visual analytics tools that help engineers interpret industry-scale deep learning models at both instance- and subset-level (e.g., ActiVis deployed by Facebook); (2) Data-driven model auditing: designing visual data exploration tools that support discovery of insights through exploration of data groups over different analytics stages, such as model comparison (e.g., MLCube) and fairness auditing (e.g., FairVis); and (3) Learning complex models by experimentation: building interactive tools that broaden people's access to learning complex deep learning models (e.g., GAN Lab) and browsing raw datasets (e.g., ETable). My research has made significant impact to society and industry. The ActiVis system for interpreting deep learning models has been deployed on Facebook's machine learning platform. The GAN Lab tool for learning GANs has been open-sourced in collaboration with Google, with its demo used by more than 70,000 people from over 160 countries.
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    AI-infused security: Robust defense by bridging theory and practice
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-09-20) Chen, Shang-Tse
    While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has tremendous potential as a defense against real-world cybersecurity threats, understanding the capabilities and robustness of AI remains a fundamental challenge. This dissertation tackles problems essential to successful deployment of AI in security settings and is comprised of the following three interrelated research thrusts. (1) Adversarial Attack and Defense of Deep Neural Networks: We discover vulnerabilities of deep neural networks in real-world settings and the countermeasures to mitigate the threat. We develop ShapeShifter, the first targeted physical adversarial attack that fools state-of-the-art object detectors. For defenses, we develop SHIELD, an efficient defense leveraging stochastic image compression, and UnMask, a knowledge-based adversarial detection and defense framework. (2) Theoretically Principled Defense via Game Theory and ML: We develop new theories that guide defense resources allocation to guard against unexpected attacks and catastrophic events, using a novel online decision-making framework that compels players to employ ``diversified'' mixed strategies. Furthermore, by leveraging the deep connection between game theory and boosting, we develop a communication-efficient distributed boosting algorithm with strong theoretical guarantees in the agnostic learning setting. (3) Using AI to Protect Enterprise and Society: We show how AI can be used in real enterprise environment with a novel framework called Virtual Product that predicts potential enterprise cyber threats. Beyond cybersecurity, we also develop the Firebird framework to help municipal fire departments prioritize fire inspections. Our work has made multiple important contributions to both theory and practice: our distributed boosting algorithm solved an open problem of distributed learning; ShaperShifter motivated a new DARPA program (GARD); Virtual Product led to two patents; and Firebird was highlighted by National Fire Protection Association as a best practice for using data to inform fire inspections.
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    Adaptive visual network analytics: Algorithms, interfaces, and systems for exploration and querying
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017-10-04) Pienta, Robert S.
    Large graphs are now commonplace, amplifying the fundamental challenges of exploring, navigating, and understanding massive data. Our work tackles critical aspects of graph sensemaking, to create human-in-the-loop network exploration tools. This dissertation is comprised of three research thrusts, in which we combine techniques from data mining, visual analytics, and graph databases to create scalable, adaptive, interaction-driven graph sensemaking tools. (1) Adaptive Local Graph Exploration: our FACETS system introduces an adaptive exploration paradigm for large graphs to guide user towards interesting and surprising content, based on a novel measurement of surprise and subjective user interest using feature-entropy and the Jensen-Shannon divergence. (2) Interactive Graph Querying: VISAGE empowers analysts to create and refine queries in a visual, interactive environment, without having to write in a graph querying language, outperforming conventional query writing and refinement. Our MAGE algorithm locates high quality approximate subgraph matches and scales to large graphs. (3) Summarizing Subgraph Discovery: we introduce VIGOR, a novel system for summarizing graph querying results, providing practical tools and addressing research challenges in interpreting, grouping, comparing, and exploring querying results. This dissertation contributes to visual analytics, data mining, and their intersection through: interactive systems and scalable algorithms; new measures for ranking content; and exploration paradigms that overcome fundamental challenges in visual analytics. Our contributions work synergistically by utilizing the strengths of visual analytics and graph data mining together to forward graph analytics.
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    Geometric feature extraction in support of the single digital thread approach to detailed design
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016-12-08) Gharbi, Aroua
    Aircraft design is a multi-disciplinary and complicated process that takes a long time and requires a large number of trade-offs between customer requirements, various types of constraints and market competition. Particularly detailed design is the phase that takes most of the time due to the high number of iterations between the component design and the structural analysis that need to be run before reaching an optimal design. In this thesis, an innovative approach for detailed design is suggested. It promotes a collaborative framework in which knowledge from the small scale level of components is shared and transferred to the subsystems and systems level leading to more robust and real time decisions that speed up the design time. This approach is called the Single Digital Thread Approach to Detailed Design or shortly STAnDD. The implementation of this approach is laid over a bottom-up plan, starting from the component level up to the aircraft level. In the component level and from a detailed design perspective, three major operations need to be executed in order to deploy the Single Digital Thread approach. The first one is the automatic geometric extraction of component features from a solid with no design history, the second phase is building an optimizer around the design and analysis iterations and the third one is the automatic update of the solid. This thesis suggests a methodology to implement the first phase. Extracting geometric features automatically from a solid with no history(also called dumb solid) is not an easy process especially in aircraft industry where most of the components have very complex shapes. Innovative techniques from Machine Learning were used allowing a consistent and robust extraction of the data.
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    Graph-based algorithms and models for security, healthcare, and finance
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016-04-15) Tamersoy, Acar
    Graphs (or networks) are now omnipresent, infusing into many aspects of society. This dissertation contributes unified graph-based algorithms and models to help solve large-scale societal problems affecting millions of individuals' daily lives, from cyber-attacks involving malware to tobacco and alcohol addiction. The main thrusts of our research are: (1) Propagation-based Graph Mining Algorithms: We develop graph mining algorithms to propagate information between the nodes to infer important details about the unknown nodes. We present three examples: AESOP (patented) unearths malware lurking in people's computers with 99.61% true positive rate at 0.01% false positive rate; our application of ADAGE on malware detection (patent-pending) enables to detect malware in a streaming setting; and EDOCS (patent-pending) flags comment spammers among 197 thousand users on a social media platform accurately and preemptively. (2) Graph-induced Behavior Characterization: We derive new insights and knowledge that characterize certain behavior from graphs using statistical and algorithmic techniques. We present two examples: a study on identifying attributes of smoking and drinking abstinence and relapse from an addiction cessation social media community; and an exploratory analysis of how company insiders trade. Our work has already made impact to society: deployed by Symantec, AESOP is protecting over 120 million people worldwide from malware; EDOCS has been deployed by Yahoo and it guards multiple online communities from comment spammers.