My research is on the I on exchange properties of poly viral violators. And basically the whole layout of the experiment is that there is a micro lecture on which there are a platinum Microelectronics and on these platinum micro lecture. I deposit. A layer of conducting neutral. Poly pyro. And on top of this poly I deposit a insulating layer of T.T.C. eleven which is just another type of Pyra will. And this has a. Negatively charged POS an acre Bonnett and this group can be used to bind to things such as metal ions and in our lab are primarily using this to bind to magnesium and using the magnesium to bind to D.N.A. to use these as C.N.A. sensors and as far as my specific research goes I'm studying the effects of ionic solutions and the islands in solution and how they affect the layer as in terms of electro chemical signaling. And. So the system that I'm using the is a three electrode system with the working electrode which is the microarray pot and I'm a counter electrode and silver silver chloride reference electrode and. The basic mode that I'm studying this is through. C V's cyclical to my grams and the cyclical to my grams are basically where you take a range of potential and in this case I'm going from negative eight hundred mil volts to four hundred mobile. And use Scan. The. The array at from like a negative potential to a positive and back to negative and you can do this multiple times and. Through this you can study the Redux potentials of the. BI layers as the ions move in and out of the film. This is basically what the micro like to. Look like they're sixteen of them. This is the whole array and they're each each of the electrodes is thirty micro meters in diameter and. So this is a collection of Seabees that I've taken in different solutions and I have done this on just the poly Parul the by layer and also the by a layer with magnesium attached to it and through this you can see the changes in the shape of the C.V. as each of these things is added. And you can also compare the shape as you go through different solutions and so what we're looking for is ones that have a noticeable change in shape because this lets us know that. What we're doing is actually having an effect. And. From those you can also take the average area inside the curves of the C.V. and so here I've done this for sodium chloride sodium possibly trysts H.C.L. and tribunal monium chloride and or. Each of these solutions you can the most notable difference is when you look from by layer to the by a layer with magnesium attached and. The. Sodium chloride and the sodium toss late are shown to have an increase in area as you attach magnesium but solutions that have larger ions within them are. Seem to have a decrease in area as. Man you zoom is added on to the by lair. So basically the biggest problem that we're trying to work out right now is. Which of the ions within the solutions of the whether it is the cat on or that an iron or both that are moving with in and out of the by layer and causing. The differences in the signals and so the next step that I'm going to be taking as far as my research goes is to figure out how the ionic strength of the solution affects the signals and if that can help us figure out which of the ions is having the effect and his or my knowledge of them. And. That's about it. Thank you. I am. Roy. And. Yes. OK. They were the that's just what the lab had been using before I started this research that's basically because the is conducting but neutral so that and also. There also. People are also studying alternatives to the T.P.T.. For a second layer but that's just a common thing to use to kind of study the exchange properties. OK. Mystery. What. Well the our lab is looking at making D.N.A. sensors and so the addition of the D.N.A. should changes its shape and size of the C.V.S. and so then you can sensors and so we are putting a single stranded layer of D.N.A. on there and then you can add a target D.N.A. to that and the effect of that target D.N.A. should notify you like we're it's they're trying to study for things like different diseases and so if the D.N.A. binds and it should show a signal and then you know whether or not that person has a certain disease. Yes. Well but that's the idea is of which ironic solution we're picking is that the the ones that have the greatest signal are amplifying the detection. So that's why we're looking at all these different solutions because some of them don't really change very much in size or shape. Whereas other ones have a greater effect based on the addition of things to the layers. Thank you.