Urban Form and Neighborhood Vulnerability to Climate Change Case Study: Jakarta, Indonesia

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Diwangkari, Andyan
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Organizational Unit
School of City and Regional Planning
School established in 2010
Supplementary to
Understanding urban form and its relationship with population’s vulnerability to climate-change related threats remains essential to facilitate evidence-based planning to increase the resiliency of the city and region. A spatially explicit approach that identifies highly vulnerable areas as a base for specific mitigation and adaptation strategies is crucial. Using case of study of Jakarta, Indonesia, this study, thus, seeks to carry out assessment of the spatial patterns of population’s vulnerability to climate change and relate them to the urban form in a two-fold approach. First, this study aims to develop neighborhood-level climate change indices while investigating whether sprawling neighborhoods are more vulnerable to climate change than compact neighborhoods. Second, this study aims to carry out assessment of Local Climate Zones (LCZ), which reflects the urban form as expressed by the physical properties of built and vegetated structures. Subsequently, the spatial relationship between certain LCZ classes and concentration of population most vulnerable to climate change is further explored. This paper is divided into the following sections: introduction; literature review; data and methodology; findings and discussion; and conclusion. While this study explores the case of Jakarta, the hope is that this study could be replicated to other cities in developing countries.
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Masters Project
Applied Research Paper
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