Developing an Intelligent Chat-bot Tool to Assist High School Students for Learning General Knowledge Subjects

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Dutta, Debasatwa
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Organizational Unit
School of Computer Science
School established in 2007
Supplementary to
Artificial Intelligent Chatbots are used in industries such as Banking systems, Customer services, Education. There are many intelligent tutoring systems currently in practice, but few of them are known to assist high school students for learning their general knowledge subjects. This project paper proposes an artificial intelligent chat-bot tool developed to assist high school students for learning their general knowledge subjects. The proposed intelligent chat-bot tool is a web based intelligent tutoring system which can be accessed by large number of students globally, the users are not required to pay licensing fees. The intelligent chat-bot tool will be available 24 hours a day at schools or public libraries or any other location which has internet access. The intelligent chatbot tool will make use of Natural Language Processing techniques to answer the queries by high school students. The intelligent chat-bot tool will be trained on a knowledge base comprising of general knowledge questions and answers. The intelligent chat-bot tool will have ability to participate in small talks with its learners.
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Technical Report
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