Real-time sonification of biceps curl exercise using muscular activity and kinematics
Real-time sonification of biceps curl exercise using muscular activity and kinematics
Yang, Jiajun
Hunt, Andy
Hunt, Andy
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In this research, we developed a real-time sonification system
to be used in biceps curl. The sonification is generated using
a parameter mapping method based on exercise information
collected from a muscle sensor and Kinect camera. A crossover
trial (AB-BA method) using biceps curl exercises was
conducted, which included 14 healthy subjects equally
assigned to two different groups. The first group started their
sessions without any feedback then received sonification in the last sessions. The other group completed the sessions with the sonic feedback in the early stages. The experimental results show that the sonification
worked well at portraying temporal information to help
subjects improve the pacing of their movement. Results also
show greater improvement in exercise metrics (greater
average repetition range and total effort) when participants exercised with sonification, but not statistically significant.
However, a significant result is that participants enjoyed the
training more with the sonification than without. Positive
comments were made on the sound feedback. The study demonstrates the potential for a real-time auditory feedback oriented training device to be used in fitness training or
physical rehabilitation.
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