Alternative Intersection Design Strategies: How Georgia and the U.S. are Changing Outdated Transportation Design Techniques
Alternative Intersection Design Strategies: How Georgia and the U.S. are Changing Outdated Transportation Design Techniques
Ashdown, Marcus
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The most deadly locations on our roads are the intersections. A 2008 study found that stop‐controlled intersections were responsible for 70% of the deaths on United States roadways that year. The alarming significance of one particular aspect of the transportation system having such a negative effect on human safety year after year has propelled reconsideration into the design strategies of our roadway intersections and have fueled the need for options in design as opposed to one scripted method. Local and national examples of alternative design strategies are occurring at a faster rate, further demonstrating that the strengths and weaknesses associated with each strategy are largely dependent on sitespecific circumstances. This paper presents a myriad of case studies that outline the successful implementation of alternative design strategies in addition to the local circumstances that made them successful. It is the purpose of this study to demonstrate the new standard of alternative design considerations along with developed examples of those still less‐common intersection types. These deliberations are conducted in an effort to combat investment fears and promote a more successful and appropriate design of our transportation system.
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Masters Project
Applied Research Paper
Applied Research Paper