Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) at Georgia Tech

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Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 57
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    The Economics of Industrial Ecology: Alert Today Alive Tomorrow'
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Ghodeswar, Archana
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    Sustainable Methods to Alleviate the Global Threat of Lithium
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Huang, Po-Wei
    Recently, the prevalence of mobile devices along with the rapid growth in the electric vehicles (EVs) industries has led to an unprecedented demand for LIBs. From 2010 to 2025, the global demand for lithium is projected to quadruple. In order to conform to the International Energy Agency’s Beyond 2 Degrees Scenario, the global EVs cumulative sales are expected to rise from 2 million in 2016 to 1.8 billion by 2060. That said, lithium is for sure one of the most important resources in the foreseeable future. Nowadays, a few countries in South America and Australia monopolize the lithium production; on the other hand, most countries that are developing state-of-the-art green technologies and promoting the use of renewable energy have limited lithium resources of their own and are heavily dependent on lithium imports. Aware of the insufficient of current lithium resources and the important role of stable lithium supply play in the development of a sustainable future, I came up with an idea of using battery materials to extract oceanic lithium. By applying the electrochemical lithium mining method, much more efficient extraction process can be achieved, the geographical limitation of lithium sources will be removed, and the negative environmental impact, which occurred in the conventional extraction process will be reduced. This electrochemical lithium mining method opens up a new opportunity to harvest ocean resources, produce economic value from natural resources, and promote the idea of utilizing eco-friendly technology to solve the grand energy challenge.
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    Magic Behind and Efficient DNN Accelerator for Mobile Applications
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Karimzadeh, Foroozan
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    Stopping Cancer in its Tracks: Preventing the Spread of Cancer
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Birmingham, Katherine
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    Falling with Style: Automation and Pilot Cueing During Autorotation Maneurvers
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Eberle, Brian
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    Suppression of Combustion Instability
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Kim, Jeongwon
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    Microbes, Oil Spills and Beyond: Using Microbes to Predict the Impact of Oil Spills
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Karthikeyan, Smruthi
    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the largest accidental marine oil spill in history and affected the benthic ecosystems, as well as vast areas of the open ocean and coastal wetlands along the Gulf of Mexico. Biodegradation mediated by a complex network of microorganisms dictates the ultimate fate of the majority of oil hydrocarbons that enter the marine environment. There is a fundamental lack of baseline environmental data and understanding of the rate of microbial oil degradation that could be used to formulate effective responses to an environmental disaster of this magnitude. Previous models only focused on culture based microbial techniques, but these microbes make up less than 1% of these environmental systems, thus leaving a vast majority of the “microbial dark matter” unexplored. The ecosystem level interactions that dictate microbial community structuring are highly complex and culture independent DNA/RNA analyses can help unravel these complex interactions. We leveraged terabytes of microbial “omics” data (which harnesses the power of computational biology and machine learning) along with engineered “real-time” systems to produce oil degradation models that can help environmental managers with future oil spill response plans. Furthermore, we curated a comprehensive and searchable database documenting microbial indicators that responded to accidental or natural oil spills across a range of global ecosystems along with their underlying physicochemical data, geocoded via GIS to reveal their biogeographic distribution patterns. This interactive repository can help provide a predictive understanding of the microbial response to oil perturbations and identify biomarkers that can universally predict ecosystem recovery.
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    A Cheap Little Chip: Simplifying Cell Therapies
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Liu, Anna
    Efficient intracellular delivery of target macromolecules remains a major obstacle in cell engineering, cell labeling, and other biomedical applications. Our lab has discovered the unique cell biophysical phenomenon of convective intracellular macromolecule delivery using mechanically induced, transient cell volume exchange. Ultrafast microfluidic cell compressions are used to cause brief, deformation-induced cell volume loss followed by volume recovery through uptake of surrounding fluid. Macromolecules suspended in the surrounding fluid enter the cell on convective fluid currents. We harness this cell volume exchange behavior for high-throughput, convective intracellular delivery of large macromolecules, including plasmids (>10 kb) and particles (>30 nm), while maintaining high cell viability (>95%). Successful experiments in transfection and intracellular labeling demonstrate potential to overcome the most prohibitive challenges in intracellular delivery for cell engineering.
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    Medical Making: Nurse Inclusion in Point of Care Innovation
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019-11-14) Lakshmi, Udaya
    Design tools are democratizing the means for innovation. If hobbyist makers 3D print in the basement or the next startup is hacking at the local makerspace, medical practitioners are also making at the point of care. Yet, such innovation at the frontline is recognized primarily among doctors. Maker Nurse, an MIT media lab initiative, found nurses are often stealth innovators who make smaller daily hacks. Nurses are women and often women of color. To facilitate this “low-level” innovation is in effect an improvement in diversity, equity and social justice. My project is motivated to address this bias by first understanding the type of interventional prototypes nurses create and then observing problem-solving through a design course.