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ItemNovel Hydrogel-based Microvasculature-on-chips for Studying Microvascular Occlusion and Thrombosis in Disease(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-10-13) Qiu, YongzhiMicrovascular dysfunction is associated with the pathophysiology of many diseases, such as sickle cell disease. However, due to the small size scale and its location deep inside the tissues, the pathological events that occur in the microvasculature are commonly invisible under the clinical settings and difficult to study using animal models as well. Therefore, the underlying mechanisms of microvascular dysfunction in disease are poorly understood. To address this challenge, we are developing novel hydrogel-based microvasculature-on-chips by harnessing microfabrication and material science to model microvasculature with long-term physiologically relevant properties, which allows us to recapitulate and monitor the pathological events of microvascular dysfunction in disease with high resolution. Here I will present the development of the hydrogel-based microvasculature-on-chip system and our recent progress in using this novel system to study the microvascular occlusion and test the therapeutics in sickle cell disease.
ItemLipid Nanoparticles for In Vivo mRNA Delivery(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-05-26) Paunovska, KalinaRNA-based drugs are emerging as a promising treatment for a number of diseases, including SARS-CoV-2. However, delivery vehicles that efficiently deliver RNA-based drugs are often limited to the liver, necessitating the optimization and discovery of new non-liver delivery vehicles. In this talk, I will discuss our pipeline for the identification of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based delivery vehicles, such as LNPs currently used by Pfizer and Moderna.
ItemmRNA Vaccines and COVID-19 – The Start of a New Era of Vaccinology(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-05-12) Anderson, Evan J.The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 with the resultant COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the need to rapidly advance vaccine development. New vaccine technologies, such as mRNA and viral-vectored vaccines, moved rapidly through the various stages of vaccine clinical trials to FDA Emergency Use Authorization within about 9 months of starting their Phase I clinical trial. Older technologies, such as protein-based vaccines, still have not completed their US Phase 3 clinical trials. The success of mRNA vaccines in opens the door for applying this technology to currently vaccine-preventable illnesses (e.g., influenza) and other novel vaccine development. Fundamental basic immunological and clinical questions remain about mRNA vaccine technology that will need to be addressed for this technology to usher in a new era in vaccinology.
ItemLocalization of mRNA-based Vaccines in non-Human Primates - A Multi-Modality Approach(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-05-05) Santangelo, Philip J.
ItemFerrohydrodynamic Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells and Exosomes(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-29) Mao, LeidongManipulating micron- and nano-sized objects in magnetic liquids in a continuous flow through so-called “ferrohydrodynamics” is a relatively new research field. It has resulted in label-free manipulation techniques in microfluidic systems and exciting applications such as circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and exosomes enrichment. It is the goal of this talk to introduce the fundamental principles of ferrohydrodynamics and its recent applications in microfluidic enrichment of CTCs and exosomes developed in my lab.
ItemThe ResonanceDx Bulk Acoustic Resonance Sensing Platform(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-22) Moreno, Carlos S.As the global coronavirus pandemic continues, there is an urgent clinical and epidemiological need to be able to assess whether or not someone has contracted COVID19. The ResonanceDx Bulk Acoustic Resonance Sensing (BARS) platform detects the shifts in the piezoelectric acoustic resonant frequencies that occur upon antibody-antigen binding and is approximately an order of magnitude more sensitive than standard ELISA detection methods. Moreover, this approach provides results in approximately 5 minutes with no sample processing or expensive or hard to manufacture reagents, enabling the use of whole blood or saliva. The applications for such a rapid point-of-care COVID19 diagnostic test are numerous, including identifying exposed healthcare workers, safely facilitating regular procedures from dental visits to elective surgery, allowing family members to visit hospitals or nursing homes, allowing non-essential workers to return to work, college students to campus, safe travel on airlines or cruises, or admission to large gatherings for members of the general public.
ItemIntegrated Nanoplasmonic Biosensors for Protein Biomarkers(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-15) Wei, JianjunNano-plasmonics, an emerging branch field of nanophotonics concerning properties of collective electronic excitations (surface plasmon, SP) in nanostructures of noble metals (e.g. silver and gold), has attracted intense attention due to its versatility for optical sensing and chip-based device integration. This talk covers our recent work developing a chip-based nanostructure metal film towards a nano-optofluidic device that incorporates an optical transmission sensing scheme with a function of size-dependent sample delivery in a single nanoscale unit. The device has been tested for delivery and detection of a couple disease related protein biomarkers (f-PSA for prostate cancer and anti-insulin antibody of type 1 diabetes (T1D)) as proof-of-concept, which offers a promise for development of a point-of-care technology in health care.
ItemPediatric and Point of Care Technology at Georgia Tech(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-08) West, LeanneThe Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Technology Center at Georgia Tech has been funding research in pediatrics since 2012. In 2018, a relationship was forged with Shriners Hospitals. This talk will focus on some of the technologies funded through these relationships, as well as other resources and funding opportunities available with pediatric partners, including information on the new NIH RADx Initiative, the Atlanta Center for Microsystems Engineered Point-of-Care Technologies (ACME POCT), and the AppHatchery services offered by the Georgia CTSA.
ItemMotion and Force-Based Point of Care Technologies(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-01) Myers, David R.Micro/Nanosystems have dramatically changed how we interact with the world, from tracking fitness-related activity to improving transportation safety, yet these devices have failed to live up to their potential in biomedical and clinical settings, especially ones that measure force and motion. Our lab is especially interested in designing new micro and nano-based sensors capable of extracting information from biological systems with a focus on addressing clinically relevant problems. In this talk, I review our efforts in this endeavor, beginning with an approach to use standard smartphones to assess abdominal pain, which could help address a broader need for virtual physical exams. I will also talk about our work on platelet contraction cytometry and our lab’s progress towards using platelet force as a biophysical biomarker for bleeding that is independent of existing tests. Together, these technologies highlight new opportunities to apply force and motion based sensing towards novel point-of-care technologies.
ItemPoint-of-Care Diagnostics via DNA-Based Isothermal Amplification and Paper Test(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-05-13) Kwong, Gabriel A.The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted the importance for rapid testing to track and contain the outbreak of infectious diseases. Current tests rely on RT-qPCR which requires a thermocycler and limits point-of-care (POC) use. POC tests that can amplify signals without specialized instrumentation could be deployed for rapid screening and reach a broader segment of the population. Here we will highlight strategies for isothermal amplification to allow major classes of biomarkers – including nucleic acids, proteins, and cells – to be detected with minimal sample processing. Central to our strategy is taking advantage of enzymatic turnover, such as with proteases or Cas12a, to amplify detection signals. We aim to adapt these methods with paper-based assays to allow visualization of test results by eye. These strategies are generalization to a broad range of diseases to increase access to POC testing.