Making a Connection to the Mothership: Launching a Multimedia Instruction Program With Maximum Funk

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Holdsworth, Liz
Valk, Alison
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From data visualization to video editing, library instructional services are growing to include a wide variety of technology-rich offerings. Libraries can offer training on technologies and resources that enhance and supplement their campus curriculum. But for institutions who have not yet developed these classes, where are the starting points to implement such programming? Careful planning can reveal hidden barriers and obstacles in developing multimedia instruction. Other library instruction may only necessitate a projector and screen, but teaching multimedia skills requires the coordination of far more people, equipment, and knowledge. Multimedia skills should be taught with hands-on activities for users; librarians need to align an intricate skill set to another set of scholarly learning outcomes e.g., editorial, research, and aesthetic choices for an assignment. The strength of the program depends on relationships, materials, and a clearly articulated vision. This paper will first discuss aspects of how the Georgia Tech Library developed their multimedia instruction program over the last five years. Using the Georgia Tech Library program as a model, these resources will act as a guide for addressing the pragmatic elements of effectively developing new educational programming in academic libraries. The main components of this interactive workshop include: developing a needs assessment; performing a stakeholder analysis; identifying open source or low-cost technologies; and, based on the principles of project management, crafting a program proposal framework in order to share with library decision-makers.
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