Engineering Biomimetic Microsystems for Nanomedicine
Engineering Biomimetic Microsystems for Nanomedicine
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Kim, YongTae
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Nanomedicine – the application of nanotechnology to healthcare – encompasses the rapidly
expanding field of drug delivery using nanomaterials. The advanced treatment of diseases,
such as cancer and atherosclerosis, need controlled targeted delivery of therapeutic and
diagnostic (theranostic) nanomaterials containing multiple drugs and imaging agents for
treating diseases and monitoring their transport in the human body. Conventional
approaches to the syntheses have faced challenges including batch-to-batch variations in
the physicochemical properties and difficulties in scaling up the production. Moreover, poor
in vitro models in drug development process lead to nearly a third of experimental drugs
failing only once they are tested in patients. This talk will present two approaches to
overcome the challenges, which include (1) the controlled microfluidic formulation of
theranostic nanomaterials with high productivity and reproducibility and (2) the development
of a simple microchip model for probing nanoparticle translocation over the permeable endothelium in experimental atherosclerosis. These approaches will facilitate the
development and optimization of multicomponent theranostic nanomaterials, contributing to
a novel therapeutic and diagnostic paradigm for treating atherosclerosis as well as cancer.
Date Issued
51:54 minutes
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Moving Image
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