Environmental Influences of Quality of Life for Residents of New York City Congregate Site Supportive Housing

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Butler, Trevor
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
The following text explores the question of what environmental influences impact the quality of life of supportive housing residents living in congregate sites in New York City. An extensive review of existing literature was included to provide both the history of supportive housing, which continues to inform the supportive housing model, as well as contemporary studies conducted on supportive housing. The study utilized a grounded, ethnographic method of data collection and analysis. The data used came from eight interviews conducted with both residents and staff of supportive housing programs. The results of the study were subdivided into four sections, based on the four largest influences that were observed as the data was reviewed and prepared for analysis; these four categories were Spatial Relationships, Relationships between Residents and Staff, Community and Resources, and Institutional Factors. These sections were each subdivided down further to provide greater detail about specific influences on residents’ quality of life. The data analysis process revealed that each environmental influence exerted itself independently over residents’ quality of life, and that each influence had a degree of influence on other influences as well, such as the relationship between both Spatial Relationships and Relationships between Residents and Staff. The concluding section of this study discusses the tensions between the positive influences and negative influences of supportive housing on resident quality of life and provides and invites further discussion on the existing congregate model.
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Masters Project
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