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Sweat, Kyle
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The poster was designed based on a combination of related movie posters. The good versus evil was the main reasoning behind the layout of the poster. On the top of the poster is Megatron, the evil transformer. On the bottom of the poster, facing the opposite direction is Optimus Prime, the hero of the transformers. In between the two, stand two humans as if they are in the middle of the war between the transformers. The red background gives a feeling of violence or rage. The shadowing was done more on the top to give a darker feeling. In contrast, the bottom was made brighter to go along with the hero. The actor names were placed in the middle above the title to draw emphasis. They were not made to standout nor distract from the poster. The title was put in the middle and set as a dark, lonely color to project such feelings. The middle box was made to be distinctively different from the top and bottom to portray the difference between man and machine. The quote also implies that there will be some kind of death or lose within the film. While this is true, the viewer’s first impression may be to think a main character will die. The overall theme of the poster is similar to another which is more horizontally focused rather than vertically. The basic good versus evil theme is predominant in both. Man stuck in the middle of a war also appears in both posters. The main difference between the two is the orientation between the two transformers. While both are facing the same directions, one is above the other. This may give the viewer as sense that the villain is more powerful than the hero.
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