Quantum key distribution protocols with high rates and low costs
Quantum key distribution protocols with high rates and low costs
Zhang, Zheshen
Voss, Paul L.
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In the age of information explosion, there is huge amount of
information generated every second. Some of the information
generated, for example news, is supposed to be shared by public and
anyone in the world can get a copy of it. However, sometimes,
information is only supposed to be maintain private or only shared
by a given group of people. In the latter case, information
protection becomes very important. There are various ways to protect
information. One of the technical ways is cryptography, which is an
area of interest for mathematicians, computer scientists and
physicists. As a new area in cryptography, physical layer security
has been paid great attention recently. Quantum key distribution is
a hot research topic for physical layer security in the two decades.
This thesis focuses on two quantum key distribution protocols that
can potentially increase the key generation rate and lower the cost.
On protocol is based on amplified spontaneous emission as signal
source and the other one is based on discretely signaled continuous
variable quantum communication. The security analysis and
experimental implementation issues for both protocols are discussed.
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