Pareto Points in SRAM Design Using the Sleepy Stack Approach
Pareto Points in SRAM Design Using the Sleepy Stack Approach
Park, Jun Cheol
Mooney, Vincent John, III
Mooney, Vincent John, III
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Leakage power consumption of current CMOS technology is already a great challenge. ITRS projects that leakage power consumption may come to dominate total chip power consumption as the technology feature size shrinks. Leakage is a serious problem particularly for SRAM which occupies large transistor count in most state-of-the-art chip designs. We propose a novel ultra-low leakage SRAM design which we call "sleepy stack SRAM." Unlike many other previous approaches, sleepy stack SRAM can retain logic state during sleep mode, which is crucial for a memory element. Compared to the best alternative we could find, a 6T SRAM cell with high-V[subscript th] transistors, the sleepy stack SRAM cell with 1.5xV[subscript th] at 110-degree C achieves more than 5X leakage power reduction at a cost of 31% delay increase and 113% area increase. Alternatively, by widening wordline pass transistors, the sleepy stack SRAM cell can match the delay of the high-V[subscript th] 6T SRAM and still achieve 2.5X leakage power reduction at a cost of a 139% area penalty.
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Technical Report