Efficient Intermolecular Energy Exchange and Soft Ionization of Water at Nanoplatelet Interfaces - Data Files

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Jones, Brant M.
Hu, Hang
Alexsandrov, Alexandr
Smith, William
Clark, Aurora E.
Li, Xiaosong
Orlando, Thomas M.
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X-ray, energetic photon and electron irradiation can ionize and electronically excite target atoms and molecules. These excitations undergo complicated relaxation and energy transfer processes that ultimately determine the manifold of system responses to the deposited excess energy. In weakly bound gas- and solution-phase samples, intermolecular Coulomb decay (ICD) and electron-transfer mediated decay (ETMD) can occur with neighboring atoms or molecules leading to efficient transfer of the excess energy to the surroundings. In ionic solids such as metal-oxides, intra- and inter-atomic Auger decay produces localized final states that lead to lattice damage and typically removal of cations from the substrate. The relative importance of Auger stimulated damage (ASD) versus ICD and ETMD in micro-solvated nanoparticle interfaces is not known. Though ASD is generally expected, essentially no lattice damage resulting from ionization and electronic excitation of micro-solvated boehmite (AlOOH) nanoplatelets has been observed. Efficient energy transfer and soft ionization of interfacial molecules is likely a general phenomenon at gas-oxyhydroxide nanoparticle interfaces where the density of states of the ionized chemisorbed species significantly overlap the core hole states of the solid.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences (BES) Contract DE-AC05-76RL0-1830
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