Did You Feel That? Developing Novel Multimodal Alarms for High Consequence Clinical Environments
Did You Feel That? Developing Novel Multimodal Alarms for High Consequence Clinical Environments
Alirezaee, Parisa
Girgis, Roger
Kim, TaeYong
Schlesinger, Joseph J.
Cooperstock, Jeremy R.
Girgis, Roger
Kim, TaeYong
Schlesinger, Joseph J.
Cooperstock, Jeremy R.
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Hospitals are overwhelmingly filled with sounds produced by
alarms and patient monitoring devices. Consequently, these
sounds create a fatiguing and stressful environment for both patients
and clinicians. As an attempt to attenuate the auditory sensory
overload, we propose the use of a multimodal alarm system in
operating rooms and intensive care units. Specifically, the system
would utilize multisensory integration of the haptic and auditory
channels. We hypothesize that combining these two channels in a
synchronized fashion, the auditory threshold of perception of participants
will be lowered, thus allowing for an overall reduction of
volume in hospitals. The results obtained from pilot testing support
this hypothesis. We conclude that further investigation of this
method can prove useful in reducing the sound exposure level in
hospitals as well as personalizing the perception and type of the
alarm for clinicians.
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