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Publication Search Results
MCMC Data Association and Sparse Factorization Updating for Real Time Multitarget Tracking with Merged and Multiple Measurements
How A.I. and multi-robot systems research will accelerate our understanding of social animal behavior
Line-Based Structure From Motion for Urban Environments
On-line Learning of the Traversability of Unstructured Terrain for Outdoor Robot Navigation
Stereo Tracking and Three-Point/One-Point Algorithms - A Robust Approach in Visual Odometry
Rao-Blackwellized Importance Sampling of Camera Parameters from Simple User Input with Visibility Preprocessing in Line Space
A Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter for Topological Mapping
Exploiting Locality in SLAM by Nested Dissection
Parameterized Duration Modeling for Switching Linear Dynamic Systems
Bayesian Inference in the Space of Topological Maps