Frost, J. David

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Publication Search Results

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  • Item
    Decay, Maintenance and Repair Symposium - Session Three
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018-04-13) Brown, Joe ; Frost, J. David ; Usselman, Steven W.
    Joe Brown - TITLE: "Reliability and Resilience: Drinking Water Infrastructure in Rural Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Pakistan". This presentation describes nationalscale surveys of rural drinking water supplies in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Mozambique, with a focus on service reliability, resilience, and equity across multiple dimensions. In at least three countries, water source type was a determinant of service reliability, regular tariff payments were linked with reduced reliability, and the number of water sources households used was negatively associated with reliability. We will discuss implications for development of drinking water infrastructure in low-income settings.
  • Item
    Utilization of Carpet, Textile & Apparel Waste for Soil Reinforcement
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999-05-17) Frost, J. David ; Wang, Youjiang ; Murray, J. ; Jones, A.