John T.
John T.
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ItemDeep Thinking about Deepfake Videos: Understanding and Bolstering Humans’ Ability to Detect Deepfakes(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023-03-16) Tidler, Zachary“Deepfakes” are videos in which the (usually human) subject of a video has been digitally altered to appear to do or say something that they never actually did or said. Sometimes these manipulations produce innocuous novelties (e.g., testing what it would look like if Will Smith had been cast as “Neo” in the film The Matrix), but far more dangerous use cases have been observed (e.g., producing fake footage of Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in which he instructs Ukrainian military forces to surrender on the battlefield). Generating the knowledge and tools necessary to defend against potential harms these videos could impose is likely to rely on contributions from a broad coalition of disciplines, many of which are represented in the GVU. In this week’s Brown Bag presentation, we will offer some real-time demonstrations of deepfake technology and present findings from our work that has largely focused on investigating the psychological factors influencing deepfake detection.
ItemVisIRR: Interactive Visual Information Retrieval and Recommendation for Large-scale Document Data(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013) Choo, Jaegul ; Lee, Changhyun ; Clarkson, Edward ; Liu, Zhicheng ; Lee, Hanseung ; Chau, Duen Horng ; Li, Fuxin ; Kannan, Ramakrishnan ; Stolper, Charles D. ; Inouye, David ; Mehta, Nishant ; Ouyang, Hua ; Som, Subhojit ; Gray, Alexander ; Stasko, John T. ; Park, HaesunWe present a visual analytics system called VisIRR, which is an interactive visual information retrieval and recommendation system for document discovery. VisIRR effectively combines both paradigms of passive pull through a query processes for retrieval and active push that recommends the items of potential interest based on the user preferences. Equipped with efficient dynamic query interfaces for a large corpus of document data, VisIRR visualizes the retrieved documents in a scatter plot form with their overall topic clusters. At the same time, based on interactive personalized preference feedback on documents, VisIRR provides recommended documents reaching out to the entire corpus beyond the retrieved sets. Such recommended documents are represented in the same scatter space of the retrieved documents so that users can perform integrated analyses of both retrieved and recommended documents seamlessly. We describe the state-of-the-art computational methods that make these integrated and informative representations as well as real time interaction possible. We illustrate the way the system works by using detailed usage scenarios. In addition, we present a preliminary user study that evaluates the effectiveness of the system.
ItemEasyZoom: Zoom-in-Context Views for Exploring Large Collections of Images(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013) Chen, Jiajian ; Xu, Yan ; Turk, Greg ; Stasko, John T.Image browsing and searching are some of the most common tasks in daily computer use. Zooming techniques are important for image searching and browsing in a large collection of thumbnail images in a single screen. In this paper we investigate the design and usability of different zoom-in-context views for image browsing and searching. We present two new zoom-in-context views, sliding and expanding views, that can help users explore a large collection of images more efficiently and enjoyably. In the sliding view the zoomed image moves its neighbors away vertically and horizontally. In the expanding view, the nearby images are pushed away in all directions, and this method uses a Voronoi diagram to compute the positions of the neighbors. We also present the results of a user study that compared the usability of the two zoom-in-context views and an overlapping, non-context zoom in the tasks of searching to match an image or a text description, and the task of brochure making. Although the task completion times were not significantly different, users expressed a preference for the zoom-in-context methods over the standard non-context zoom for text-matching image search and for image browsing tasks.
ItemEvaluating the InfoCanvas Peripheral Awareness System: A Longitudinal, In Situ Study(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005) Stasko, John T. ; McColgin, Dave ; Miller, Todd ; Plaue, Christopher Michael ; Pousman, Zachary L.A longitudinal, in situ study of the InfoCanvas, a prototype peripheral awareness system, was conducted. The InfoCanvas provides awareness of information through "information art", acting as a kind of electronic painting in which visual elements change appearance to represent changes in the information being monitored. Eight people used the system for a month in their offices. We observed and documented the scenes they designed, how they used the system, and their opinions of the system. Overall, participants felt the system was useful, informative, and fun. With respect to aesthetics, some participants felt that it was appealing but others desired further improvement. Lessons learned from the study may benefit other forms of peripheral displays and ubiquitous computing systems.
ItemAn Empirical Study of the Effect of Agent Competence on User Performance and Perception(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004) Catrambone, Richard ; Stasko, John T. ; Xiao, JunWe studied the role of the competence of a user interface agent/assistant that helped users to learn and use a new text editor. Participants in the study made a set of prescribed changes to a document via the editor with the aid of one of four interface agents. Participants could ask questions out loud to the agent and the agent would respond using a synthesized voice; the agent would also make proactive suggestions. The agents varied in the quality of responses and suggestions made. One group of participants were provided with a help screen as well as the agent. We focused on assessing the relation between users' objective performance, interaction style, and subjective experience. Results revealed that the perceived utility of the agent was influenced by the types of errors made by the agent, while participants' subjective impressions of the agent related to the perceptions of its representation. In addition, allowing participants to choose their preferred assistance style(s) (agent vs. online-help) improved objective performance. We correlate quantitative findings with qualitative interview data and discuss implications for the design and the implementation of systems with interface agents.
ItemIs a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? An Evaluation of Information Awareness Displays(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004) Plaue, Christopher Michael ; Miller, Todd ; Stasko, John T.Little is known about what makes a peripheral or ambient display effective at presenting awareness information or simply, if one is better than another. Furthermore, techniques for evaluating these types of displays are just beginning to be developed. We conducted an evaluation of the InfoCanvas, a peripheral display that conveys awareness information graphically as a form of information art. We assessed people's comprehension of information presented by the InfoCanvas compared to two other electronic information displays, a Web portal style and a text-based display, when each display was viewed for a short period of time. We found that participants noted and recalled significantly more information when presented by the InfoCanvas than by either of the other displays despite having to learn the additional graphical representations employed by the InfoCanvas.
ItemAn Interview-based Study of Display Space Management(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003) Hutchings, Dugald Ralph ; Stasko, John T.There are a number of challenges for researchers in the area of window and screen space management: (1) many systems have been proposed, but little study on people's window interaction habits exists, (2) users of emerging display systems have different properties and needs than users of single-display systems, yet users might also interact with several different types of systems, and (3) evaluation is difficult since habits are unknown but more importantly there are two very different roles that managers must fulfill: allow the user to complete one task through the aid of several windows and be able to switch to or monitor a different task. To begin to answer these challenges, we present a interview-based study of window system users that investigates the way they manage screen space. Results include the characteristics common across all users as well as a classification of management styles. We also present some implications for building and evaluating window and display space management systems.
ItemBe Quiet? Evaluating Proactive and Reactive User Interface Assistants(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003) Xiao, Jun ; Catrambone, Richard ; Stasko, John T.This research examined the ability of an anthropomorphic interface assistant to help people learn and use an unfamiliar text-editing tool, with a specific focus on assessing proactive a ssistant behavior. Participants in the study were introduced to a text editing system that used keypress c ombinations for invoking the different editing operations. Participants then were directed to make a set of pre scribed changes to a document with the aid either of a paper manual, an interface assistant that would hear and respond to questions orally, or an assistant that responded to questions and additionally made proactive sug gestions. Anecdotal evidence suggested that proactive assistant behavior would not enhance performance and would be viewed as intrusive. Our results showed that all three conditions performed similarly on objecti ve editing performance (completion time, commands issued, and command recall), while the participants in the l atter two conditions strongly felt that the assistant's help was valuable.
ItemMobile Computing in the Retail Arena(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003) Newcomb, Erica Wingo ; Pashley, Toni George ; Stasko, John T.Although PDAs typically run applications in a "stand-alone" mode, they are increasingly eq uipped with wireless communications, which makes them useful in new domains. This capability for more powerful information exchange with larger information systems presents a new situated context for PDA applicati ons, and provides new design and usability evaluation challenges. In this work we examine how grocery shopping could be aided by a mobile shopping applicati on that consumers access via a PDA while in a store. The interactive relationship between the physical space of the store and the human activity of shopping are crucial when designing for this application. To better unde rstand this interaction, we studied people's grocery shopping habits, designed and evaluated prototypes, and perfor med usability tests within the shopping environment. This paper reveals our design process for this problem an d a framework for designing and evaluating situated applications for mobile handhelds.
ItemWhat's Happening?: Promoting Community Awareness through Opportunistic, Peripheral Interfaces(Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002) Zhao, Qiang Alex ; Stasko, John T.Maintaining an awareness of information about one's own community and its members is viewed as being important, but is becoming more challenging today as people are overwhelmed by so many different forms of information. We have developed the "What's Happening" suite of tools to help convey relevant and interesting community information to people in a manner that is minimally distracting and disruptive, with little or no user set-up and interaction. The tools are more lightweight than e-mail and Usenet news, and opportunistic in providing information to people when they are not deeply focused on some other task. This paper describes these tools and the techniques that they use, as well as our observations of their utility and impact.