Walker, Bruce N.

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Publication Search Results

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    Mastery of Assistive Technology in K-12 Education
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2024-08) Satterfield, Richard (Ben) ; Walker, Bruce N. ; Milchus, Karen ; LaForce, Salimah ; Griffiths, Patricia ; DeStefano, Lizanne ; Blake, Matthew
    This article describes the evaluation of a prototype of the Continuum of AT Mastery (CATM), an instrument developed for measuring individual progress toward mastery of assistive technology (AT).  In this second of two one-year studies, we examined the applicability of the CATM in K-12 educational settings.   This manuscript includes results of field testing of the CATM in K-12 schools and presents results of inter-rater and test-retest reliability.  item_description: This is the compilation of data collected from focus groups, field testing, interviews, and analysis from a study of the instrument known as the Continuum of AT Mastery (CATM) in K-12 settings.
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    The Development of a Measurement Tool for Mastery of Assistive Technology
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021-06-30) Satterfield, Richard (Ben) ; Walker, Bruce N. ; Milchus, Karen
    This report describes the development of a survey tool used to measure and assess “mastery of assistive technology”. A Delphi Panel comprised of experts in the area of Assistive Technology (AT) was gathered to explore the question of “What is mastery of AT?” For the purposes of this study, mastery was defined as becoming a “power user” of AT. Panelists were asked to identify what characteristics are associated with being a power user of AT. The panel gave these characteristics Likert Scale rankings as to their applicability as a predictor of becoming a power user and as an indicator of having become a power user. The rankings were compared, and the panel was asked to revisit the rankings in order to identify the most important factors. The panel identified 12 predictors and 14 indicators that they felt were highly predictive of becoming a power user or indicative of being one. These factors were analyzed and found to coalesce around four constructs or areas of mastery: (1) Experience (Usage) with AT; (2) Proficiency with AT; (3) Knowledge of AT; and (4) Personal Connection with AT. An online survey-based tool for measuring AT mastery was developed based on these constructs and presented to the panel for feedback and critique.
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    Perceived Relational Risk and Perceived Situational Risk Scales
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020-10-10) Stuck, Rachel E. ; Walker, Bruce N.
    This technical report provides an overview of how to use scales that were developed for perceived relational risk and perceived situational risk.
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    The Mwangaza Project: A Comprehensive Report on the Nationwide Baseline Survey of Technology Skills for Learners with Vision Impairment in Kenya
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016-12) Walker, Bruce N. ; Mbari-Kirika, Irene ; Miheso-O’Connor, Marguerite
    This document presents the results of a major portion of the PEER-funded collaborative research project called the Mwangaza Project. The project is a shared effort between: the Sonification Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology (“Georgia Tech”) in Atlanta, USA; inABLE, a non-profit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya, and Washington DC, USA; and Kenyatta University, in Nairobi. This research team has completed a two-phase project including (1) a nation-wide survey of the interests, needs, skills, and opinions of blind students and their teachers, with respect to information and communications technology (ICT, aka “technology”); and (2) initial development, deployment, and evaluation of some novel assistive technologies that represent potential new approaches to STEM education for students with vision loss. This report describes the baseline survey of students and teachers.
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    Georgia Tech Psychology STING Telemetry Data Module For MiniSim
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-08-27) Gable, Thomas M. ; Walker, Bruce N. ; Rajendra, Bhargav
    As in-vehicle technologies become more integrated into the vehicle, researchers must have real-time vehicle data available to them to investigate new technologies. In driving simulation settings, it can often be difficult to get this information. In an effort to gather real-time data from the National Advanced Driving Simulator MiniSim we have developed the Simulator Telemetry INteGration (STING) module to pull any data the MiniSim would normally output to its data acquisition files, and make those data available for use within other programs. The module is fairly simple to integrate into a MiniSim as it is purely software based. This document was written as a guide for those who are interested in using the STING software, to inform them of what STING can do, inform users of how the system works, and then linking them to the software download. Please refer to the included software license. If you use the system for studies please simply cite this tech report.
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    Georgia Tech Psychology Head Up Display Designer For MiniSim
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-08-27) Gable, Thomas M. ; Walker, Bruce N. ; Rajendra, Bhargav ; He, Fang
    As in-vehicle systems use head up displays (HUDs) more often, researchers need to be able to investigate the correct way of displaying information on these interfaces. In order to do this, researchers need easily modifiable head up display interfaces to test against each other, something most easily done digitally in a simulated environment. In an effort to allow for this we have developed a HUD designer that allows data to put input to the system and then used to display any created HUD onto either MiniSim visuals directly or a secondary HUD display. This document was written as a guide for those who are interested in using the Georgia Tech HUD Designer software to inform them of what it requires, inform users of what the system is doing, and then linking them to the software to use to make the connections discussed. Please refer to the included software license. If you use the system for studies please simply cite this tech report.
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    Georgia Tech Psychology MiniSim Driving Simulator Training Manual
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015-05-05) Winton, Riley W. ; Gable, Thomas M. ; Walker, Bruce N.
    This training document seeks to train users in the operation of the MiniSim National Advanced Driving Simulator owned by the Georgia Tech Department of Psychology. The simulator is located in B72 of the J.S. Coon Psychology Building at Georgia Tech. Additional training information can be found from the system developer’s website:
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    Graph and Number Line Input and Exploration (GNIE) Tool Technical Report
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014) Chew, Yee Chieh ; Tomlinson, Brianna J. ; Walker, Bruce N.
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    Mwangaza Trip Report Spring 2014
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014) Bruce, Carrie ; Tomlinson, Brianna J. ; Walker, Bruce N.
    This document summarizes the notes from the research trip to Kenya completed in March 2014.
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    Georgia Tech Simulator Sickness Screening Protocol
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013-10-21) Gable, Thomas M. ; Walker, Bruce N.
    As part of our ongoing driving research, the GT Sonification Lab has adapted and evolved a driving simulator sickness screening protocol that is quick, efficient, effective, and easy to administer. There is a paper-and-pencil version, and also an electronic version of the survey; and a procedure that involves: (1) a baseline survey, (2) a brief drive in the simulator, and (3) a post-drive survey. We have found that symptoms or discomfort become evident very quickly, and this procedure captures those participants effectively. Technical Report in PDF format describes the procedure and the protocol that we have completed. The ZIP archive contains all of the resources, including the NADS MiniSIM simulator files, and the screening protocol files. The Tech Report is also included in the ZIP archive. This download includes version 1.1 of the Java screening software, released Feb 2014, which includes a small bug fix, correcting the numeric calculation of sickness scores.