Organizational Unit:
Center for Space Technology and Research (CSTAR)

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ArchiveSpace Name Record

Publication Search Results

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    Raw data from 'Nanoscale Characterization of Space Weathering in Lunar Samples'
    (Georgia Institute of Technology, 2024) Grice, Adam
    High-resolution nanoscale Fourier transform infrared (Nano-FTIR) imaging and spectroscopy correlated with photoluminescence measurements of lunar Apollo samples with different surface radiation exposure histories reveal distinct physical and chemical differences associated with space weathering effects. Analysis of two sample fragments: an ilmenite basalt (12016) and impact melt breccia (15445) show evidence of intrinsic or delivered Nd3+ and an amorphous silica glass component on exterior surfaces, whereas intrinsic Cr3+ and/or trapped electron states are limited to interior surfaces. Spatially localized 1050 cm-1/935 cm-1 band ratios in Nano-FTIR hyperspectral maps may further reflect impact-induced shock nanostructures, while shifts in silicate band positions indicate accumulated radiation damage at the nanoscale from prolonged space weathering due to micrometeorites, solar wind, energetic x-rays and cosmic ray bombardment. Our observations demonstrate that space weathering alterations of the surface of lunar samples at the nanoscale may provide a mechanism to distinguish lunar samples of variable surface exposure age.
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    Why Do We Look Up at the Heavens?
    ( 2018-04-12) Consolmagno, Bro. Guy
    Why did we go to the Moon? Why does the Vatican support an astronomical observatory? These questions mask a deeper question: why do individuals choose to spend their lives in pursuit of pure knowledge? The motivation behind our choices, both as individuals and as a society, controls the sorts of science that gets done. It determines the kinds of answers that are found to be satisfying. And ultimately, it affects the way in which we think of ourselves.
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    Going Out in a Blaze of Glory: Cassini Science Highlights and the Grand Finale
    ( 2017-02-22) Spilker, Linda
    The Cassini mission’s findings have revolutionized our understanding of Saturn, its complex rings, the amazing assortment of moons and the planet’s dynamic magnetic environment. Cassini’s Grand Finale begins in April 2017 with repeated dives between the innermost ring and the top of Saturn’s atmosphere. Cassini will send back its final bits of unique data on September 15, 2017 as it plunges into Saturn’s atmosphere, vaporizing to protect tiny Enceladus, one of Saturn’s ocean worlds. Come and hear the story of recent science discoveries and the upcoming excitement during the final orbits. Dr. Linda Spilker, Cassini Project Scientist, will present highlights of Cassini’s ambitious inquiry at Saturn and an overview of science observations in the final orbits.