Fulton Bag and Cotton Mill Collection Posters
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The Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Exhibit is a joint project between the Georgia Tech Library and Information Center's Archives and Records Management, Digital Initiatives, and Systems departments. The twelve posters that made up this exhibit were displayed in the Library East Commons from December 2006 through April 2007.
Founded in Atlanta during the late 1860s, the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills operated under the management of Jacob Elsas and his descendants for more than a century. A neighboring village with housing for the mill workers was well established by the turn of the twentieth century.
The Atlanta mill finally ceased operations in 1978. In 1997 the historic Fulton Cotton Mill in Atlanta was converted into a mixed-income community of 182 loft apartments.
Archives and Records Management
Project Manager :: Kent Woynowski
Processing and Selection :: Christine de Catanzaro
Scanning, Transcriptions, and Metadata Entry :: Grayson Cason,
Travis Hampton
Exhibit design :: Kirk Henderson
Department Head :: Jody Thompson